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Forgetting August (Lost & Found #1)(57)

By:J. L. Berg

"What do you mean?" I asked, clutching my favorite ceramic coffee cup  for warmth. It was the same cup I used on all my shifts. It had a cheesy  one liner that said "Meh". My customers loved it.

"Look, I know you are firm in this decision and I see you're happy, but  no one is forcing you into marriage. You don't have to marry Ryan to  prove you're over August."

"I know that," I answered defensively.

"I just want to make sure you're getting married for the right reasons."

Looking down at my coffee, I watched the steam rise from the cup, like a memory caught in time.

The last bit of coffee brewed, gurgling and steaming until the last drop  was done. I quickly turned to grab the sugar and milk and returned  ready to fix everything up.

Only to realize I had no idea how he took his coffee anymore.

Looking up at him, I opened my mouth to ask, but saw him smiling. "Just black," he answered.

I only nodded as I pivoted back toward the refrigerator to return the  milk. I'd grabbed everything on impulse, ready to dump two spoonfuls of  sugar and a slash of milk into a cup of coffee just like I always had.

How easily I'd fallen back into such an old routine.

"I take it that's different?" He spoke up.

"Yes," I answered, "but a good one. Now you're a purist like me."

"It's for the right reasons," I answered quickly with an encouraging smile.

"As long as you're happy. You know that's all I ever want for you."

"I am. I really am."

"Good. Now about those flower arrangements … "

Oh God, here we go.


Like most authors, I tend to spend a large chunk of my life in the clouds … my imaginary world, as I like to call it.

In this place, I plan and plot, dream and fantasize about the lives I've  created and the ones I'm about to. It's always such a rewarding  experience to see this daydreaming come to fruition when I type "The  End", and suddenly my imaginary world becomes almost real within the  pages of my book.

Each novel I write truly is a labor of love and with every word I type, I  have a small army backing me up-cheering me on and waving victory flags  at the finish line.

I wouldn't be sane (or somewhat so) without the rock that is my husband.  He feeds me when I forget to eat, cleans when I can't, and does just  about everything in between. Being married to a writer is a tough job  and he makes it look easy. Thank you, babe, for loving me.

I'm lucky enough to have two beautiful girls who fortunately love books.  Because of this, they tend to understand why Mommy can't play or take  them to the pool even when the weather's perfect (sorry!). Hannah and  Emily-you are my greatest treasures. I'm ready for a swim now!

To the rest of my family-Thank you for teaching me to always be myself,  no matter how dorky or weird that may be. Your love and support means  the world to me and I promise to come visit more, Mom!

Authors tend to be hermit crabs, burying their heads in the sand when  books are due. Luckily I have amazing friends who remember this and  stick around until I come up for air. Leslie, I love you for being you. I  don't need to elaborate. Doing so would be unladylike. Melissa, thank  you for being my soundboard. Jill, you're both a friend and my PA-that  makes you irreplaceable. Seriously, never leave me.

Tara and everyone at InkSlingers PR-Thank you for promoting me and my work. You keep me calm and that is priceless!

This book would never have made it this far if it weren't for the expert  eyes of my amazing agent, Jill Marsal, and my talented editor at Grand  Central, Lauren Plude. Thank you, ladies, for believing in August and  Everly. I hope I've done them justice.

Lastly, thank you to my readers. You always manage to astound me with  your kindness. Thank you for loving my characters, and never stop  believing in second chances!