Reading Online Novel

Forgetting August (Lost & Found #1)(44)

"Have you done this before? Shit, don't answer that," he said, as the camera started clicking.

I laughed, turning my head away as he hovered above me. "No-I just know what you like."

"Yes, you really do."

"Like, maybe a little bit of this?" I asked, unbuttoning my shirt  completely and letting it slip from my shoulder. It fell to the floor in  a slinky heap. Pushing up on my elbows, I gave him a sultry look as my  cleavage was sent sky high thanks to my new, improved position.

"You are so beautiful," he managed to say as he knelt down on his knees  to get a different angle. "Let me just open the windows. I want more  light on your skin."

I watched him move toward the large windows that faced the cliffs,  pushing back the curtains that were used to block out the sun when it  became too bright late in the afternoon. Right now, sunset was just  about to take over the sky, the last rays of the day surrendering to the  evening stars.

"Perfect." His voice followed his footsteps as he made his way back to the couch. "Now, I think you need to get naked."

I agreed, reaching for the clasp behind me. My bra came undone easily  and slowly fell from my shoulders, as the camera clicked away. Raising  one arm at a time, I let it fall to the floor as his heated gaze watched  from behind the lens.

Wanting him to enjoy this as much as possible, I slowly stood, widening  my stance as my fingers slipped under the thin fabric of my panties.  August backed up, readjusting the angle to encompass my new position, as  the camera continued to click. With a sensual grace I hadn't known I  possessed, I gently slid the last piece of clothing from my body until  it hit the floor.

I heard the camera hit the glass of the coffee table as August quickly  setting it down. His hands shook as his eyes met mine. Dark, heated, and  filled with purpose, his gaze was locked and I was his target. His belt  and jeans hit the floor and then I watched him move-slowly stalking me,  like a predator. My thighs tightened and my breath hitched as his naked  body moved toward mine.

As if he were a magnet, I felt his pull and instantly responded, moving toward him without thought.

Without reason.         



My body was his. It was made for him.

I would always belong to August. I always had.

Goose bumps pebbled my flesh the instant his fingers touched me as  anticipation overwhelmed me. No matter how many times his hands swept  over my skin, it would never be enough.

I know now why I'd never left. Even when things got bad. Even when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

Deep down, I was still in love with the monster he'd become. Deep down,  I'd always help out hope that somehow … someway … he'd find his way back to  me.

And he had.

He was new and different, but he was August.

And he was mine.

My hands slipped around his neck as he lifted me effortlessly, my legs slid around his waist.

"You feel so damn good," he whispered as he fell back onto the sofa with  me, his hands ghosting up and down my thighs. Rising up on my knees, my  lips found his, kissing deeply as he pulled me closer. His fingers dug  into the round curves of my ass as I slowly slid down on his hard  length.

"Fuck," he hissed.

Leaning back, I grabbed his camera off the coffee table and handed it to him. "I don't think you're done yet."

He took it from me, his eyes never leaving mine as I slowly began moving  up and down on top of him. He flipped the camera around, the lens  pointing toward us as he began photographing our lovemaking.

It was erotic and I felt bold and completely brazen as he snapped away.  My head fell back as I met each and every powerful thrust.

"It will never be enough. I'll never get enough of you," he said, an almost agonizing quality to his voice.

I was on fire and his words were like kindling, making me burn hotter and brighter.

When he finally couldn't take it any longer, the camera hit the couch  and both his hands took over, working their way through my hair, down my  bare back, to grip my hips so he could push me deeper onto him. His low  groans matched mine as we lost ourselves in one another until we were  both breathless and spent.

As he carried me upstairs later that evening, well after the sun had  given up to the moon and stars, I couldn't help but remember the way he  used to carry me to bed when we lived in the tiny house across the city.

"I'll give you everything someday," he'd whisper.

"I just want you," I'd answer back.

"But you deserve so much more."

Our life had started out so simple. Just a boy and a girl in love. But  then August had decided he needed to give me the moon and the stars and  everything in between … when all I had really needed was him.

And during the somewhere in between, I lost him, too.

After everything collapsed, I'd desperately gone in search of that simple life again, but I'd gone about it all wrong.

Ryan was right. Love should be simple.

Life may be difficult, but loving someone … whether it's right or wrong, that should be the easy part.

And loving August had always been as easy as breathing.

Chapter Twenty-Six


"Go away, woman," I muttered into my pillow, hiding the grin spread across my face. "I'm asleep."

"No you're not. You are definitely awake," she said, wiggling on top of  me to prove her point. A certain part of my anatomy jumped up to say  good morning to her as she giggled.

"You're relentless," I laughed, lifting the pillow off of my head to see  her beaming smile above me as I lay comfortably beneath her in bed.

"It's morning! Wake up! Coffee time!" she exclaimed.

I laughed, shaking my head as tiny tendrils of her hair tickled my naked  chest. "Don't most people zombie their way to the kitchen in search of  coffee? I've never seen anyone jump out of bed, practically singing show  tunes in anticipation of coffee."

"I'm just in a good mood."

I gave her a hard look up and down, taking my time on the way back up.

"You want something," I replied, seeing through her coy pillow talk.

Feigning innocence, she batted her eyelashes at me, trying to suppress  the laughter I felt boiling up inside her like an old furnace about to  blow. "I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Grabbing her around the waist, I threw her down on the bed and straddled  her between my thighs. "'Fess up, Adams. What's with the happy  attitude? I know I'm good in the sack, but usually only caffeine can  bring about this level of joy in the morning."

I paused for a second and then looked down at what she was wearing. Leggings and a t-shirt.

"Let me smell your breath," I demanded as she squirmed beneath me.

"What the hell? That is-no!" she squealed, the laughter she'd held  inside bursting forth. I pulled her closer, getting the quick whiff of  coffee breath I knew I'd encounter.         




"You've already been up!"

"I needed coffee courage!" she giggled as I punished her with my  fingers, tickling her mercilessly. She squealed and giggled, the sound  filling me with a peace and tranquility I thought I'd never have. It was  like the sweet sound of angels to my ears, and now that I'd heard it,  felt it to the depth of my soul, I knew I'd never be the same.

I'd never be right in this world without it.

"For what?" I asked as she wiggled out of my grasp, begging for mercy-which I granted.

"Well, I've been thinking," she explained, readjusting herself on the  bed so that she was sitting cross-legged in front on me. I lay back with  my arms behind my head.

"I know how important it is for you to be known among my group of friends."

I stopped her, reaching out to wind a piece of her hair around my finger  as I spoke. "I told you it could wait. It doesn't have to happen right  away, Everly."

"I know that, but I'm ready," she replied, he eyes closing slightly, as  she let herself surrender to the feeling of my fingers in her hair. It  made me wonder if it was something she'd always liked.

Had I done this before?

"I feel like the longer we go on not telling people, the longer this  won't feel real," she continued. "And I want it to be. I don't want to  just be sitting around playing house with you, August. I want my friends  to know who you are and what you mean to me. I want you to matter in my  life."

My heart quickened in my chest. "I want that, too."

"Good, so that brings me to my next point."

"Okay," I said with an inquisitive brow.

"I want to have Sarah over for dinner."

"Sarah," I questioned, doubt settling into the pit of my empty stomach  as I swallowed audibly. "Your best friend who hates me? That Sarah?"

She nodded.

"Wouldn't it be best if you confronted her on your own and we did this  in stages … like they do when they introduce someone to a wild animal or  something?"

She laughed. "Are you comparing yourself to a wild animal?"

"Who said I would be the one attacking anyone?" I grimaced.