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Filling up the Virgin(97)

By:Amy Brent

“Only a very select few have been privileged to witness this. There have only been two that actually enjoyed this kind of sex play.” Inside the box was a variety of different sexual aids. Vibrators in various sizes and dildos that most likely would have made me scream to the heavens over and over again were right there. “God knows, I’ve been looking for somebody to share my desires. I believe I’ve been looking in all the wrong places when where I should’ve been looking is right underneath this roof. You’ve got what you wanted, but I haven’t gotten what I wanted. You will come to my room and it may not be tonight or tomorrow night, but soon you’ll be begging me to use every one of these things on that sweet little body of yours.”

“I don’t…know what you are trying to get at. I was curious and now I don’t need anything more from you.” He was calling my bluff and I had become quite addicted to the delicious package that I was fortunate enough to be able to enjoy last night.

“I like to get a little rough. I’m sure that I can break you in. I’ve had this heat burning between my legs from the moment that I met you, Jessica. You have the kind of body that would take a whole weekend to explore from head to toe. You can’t stand there and look at me with those lust crazed eyes and tell me you haven’t thought about it. You were able to take me when I was the weakest last night, but what you were missing was the true experience of being overpowered by a man. To feel the overwhelming presence and no that you’re pretty much my plaything. I think about it often and I only wish that I was awake for last night’s interesting performance.”

“I just remembered I have plans with Helena to see a movie.” I left him and I heard that cackle of laughter as I went down the hall. He was too cocksure himself, but the lesson I had tried to perpetrate had gone over his head. The really odd thing about all of it was that I did want to feel what it was like to be taken.

“You’ll be back and you may not think so right now, but trust me the day will come that you’ll be begging me for another go around. I always find those that are in my bed want it even more the second time around. They’re terrified of the size of me, but once they feel what it’s like to be stuffed full like that, they don’t know what to do with themselves. I’ve had several girls want to ride bareback, but you’re the only one that really went through with it.” I had no idea how he could possibly know that I wasn’t wearing a condom. It didn’t matter and my nasty ways had been caught on camera. I doubted that he would erase. He was going to replay it over and over again. It wasn’t like he could see much, but it would fuel his curiosity.

Chapter seven

I hadn’t told anybody about my stupid trick of seducing him when he was drunk. They would’ve seen me as desperate and most likely would have ridiculed me mercilessly. It had been a few days and I had denied him his just deserts.

I stand here in the bathroom and look at the stick and I can’t believe this is happening. It was not my intention to get pregnant, but going in there without any kind of protection was only asking for it. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I felt he needed all the information before I made a decision one way or the other.

I waited for another day and then I couldn’t take it anymore. I barged into his room to see him pumping new life into his manhood. He stared at me with disbelief that I would actually interrupt his me time. “I hope that you have a good reason for coming in here like this. I was just about to bend you over my bend.” I was stunned by his attempt to embarrass me.

I think he saw the angst on my face and his teasing gesture had changed. I sat on his bed with my palms down on my knees. I couldn’t look at him and I felt his hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I may as well just come out and say it. I’m pregnant and it is yours. I’ve never been with anybody else, so you don’t have to ask me any of those stupid questions running around in your head. I know this was unconscionable, but I feel trapped and I need you to say something.” It was a lot to absorb. He was obviously in a state of shock. The hand on my shoulder had gripped my trapeze just a little bit tighter than before.

“We have a lot to discuss. What we need to do right away is to get an appointment with a real Dr. I’m guessing that you used one of those home pregnancy tests. Let’s be sure before we go off half cocked. I never thought about being a father, but it does make me happy. I know this was a mistake, but I think I would love to have a child to raise in my image. I see the way I’ve been treating women and I wonder if it’s too late to say that I’m sorry.” I wasn’t sure if he meant anything of what he was saying, but he did sound like he was on the level.