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Filling up the Virgin(95)

By:Amy Brent

I pulled my panties to the side and then I got into position. I had my hand on his cock. I let his member feel the hot slippery surface and then took a deep breath and pushed him past any kind of resistance. I wasn’t a virgin, but I’d only had one lover. I thought that he was a good man and I decided to take a chance only to be disappointed in his performance.

“It’s time you fuck your stepsister. It’s time for me to find out what all the fuss is about.” With one long stroke that took my breath away I was finally getting what I had been thinking about for some time. I was super wet. I only wished that he was awake long enough to give me a tongue lashing I would never forget. I didn’t necessarily need the extra stimulation and the walls of my sex were pretty well lubricated with the excitement of going down on him. “You’ve never been there when I needed you the most. In the dark of night lying in my bed stupidly thinking about you and not having you by my side was killing me.” He made no response and I slowly dragged the lips of my wet pussy over the length of pipe between his legs. This was the kind of thing I was looking for and couldn’t find with anybody else.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I was going to make no mistake about it. It could be all taken away, but somehow I knew that I was going to consummate this relationship. I wanted him to call me by name in the throes of passion, while I closed my eyes and let him take me to a height of pleasure that I never knew before.

I had the head poised to go back in and let myself slide down the pole back to the regular position of sitting astride him with my knees on either side. My hands were on his chest and those muscles seen through the eyes of an impressionable young lady like myself was causing me to move in a more hectic pace.

“I’m not going to let you ruin this like you have for so many others. You’re not the only one that has some tricks up her sleeve.” I scratched my nails down his chest leaving behind a reminder of what we had done tonight. I wasn’t sure if he would remember in the morning, but that didn’t even concern me. His mouth parted and I drove my tongue into his mouth while pounding back with a fever pitch that had me out of control. The bed was rocking with the motion of the ocean. I was biting his tongue when suddenly his eyes came wide open.

I was a woman on a mission and with the panties over his eyes; he could only see things like they were in a dreamlike fog. He looked at me for a moment and then his eyes fluttered and went back into an unconscious state of arousal.

I would give him that precious memory and maybe he would have some idea of what happened and maybe not. I wondered if I should really take this all the way or should I stop before risking catching something from him. His balls were bouncing with each stroke that I gave myself. I was in control of the depth and intensity of the moment. It was one thing to be caught in the web of man’s forceful ways, but it’s another to actually have that power in the palm of my hand.

Every time that I thought that he was ready; I would slow down and then come to a complete stop on top of him. I continued on and made sure to get him in the right position to rub my clit against the shaft. “I’m fucking losing it, Anthony and feel like my entire body is coming off the rails… yes…fuck me…let me take what I want and leave you wondering if this really… HAPPENEDDDDDDD.” That one was a big one and not even my fingers could come even close to giving me something like that.

I squeezed very tightly with my inner muscles now moving along his length. I didn’t stop and I forced myself to draw this out as long as possible. What was left in his balls sizzled to the top and exploded with three nice hard streams that felt hot inside me. I finally was able to retract myself and lie back with my legs curling around his. My wet pussy was showing how well fucked it really was. It was swollen and had a deep pink color with my clit throbbing. Losing out on this moment was not an option, but going to the very end of the finish line was not my intention. I’d gotten caught up in my own devious thoughts. It was a side effect of wanting nothing more than to feel him drive it deep inside me.

I was about to leave, when I decided to give him a kiss Goodnight. That was when he grabbed me by the back of the head and returned that kiss. His eyes were open and he was staring at me in the darkness. Could he see me through the thin fabric? I finally had enough strength to pull his fingers from around my neck. I turned my back on him and ran out the door.

I went back to my room and it was no more than 5 minutes later that I heard my father and Allison coming home. It was a close call, but it was worth it in the end. I was little worried about what was going to happen in the morning, but that was a few hours away. I had time to revel in getting what I wanted for a change.