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Filling up the Virgin(91)

By:Amy Brent

“I’m sorry baby, but I can’t tonight. You know tonight is a big game for me and we all go out for drinks after. I’m sure that I can fit you in my schedule any time after that. I think that you are damn sexy and I can only imagine what you look like without your clothes on. That brief peek of your cleavage is only a tease. I have to say that the rest of the package is even more appealing.” I’d seen Serena from time to time after her oral exploration of my stepbrother’s shaft. She kept her distance and he didn’t even give her the courtesy of making eye contact.

She resumed her life like what happened didn’t mean a damn thing. She probably wanted to forget every single detail, but how could she when it was very much part of her memories.

“You’ve been trying for the last few days to get my attention and when I tell you that I’m ready, you turn me down. I know that the big game means a lot to you, but it shouldn’t stop us from having a bit of fun together. You’re definitely going to have to get your priorities straight. If I wasn’t having any reservation before, I certainly am now. I’m sure that other girls would accept these after game rituals, but I’m not like that.” She walked away with her platonic looking beige skirt hanging loosely over a flat ass. Why he even wanted to be with her was a mystery to me. He was always more attracted to those with a little bit more meat on their loans.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He didn’t even pay attention to the words coming out of her mouth. I didn’t know her name, but I think it was amber or Angela or something along those lines. I don’t think it really mattered. Anthony rarely remembered their names and I think the panties were a reminder to put a face to each and every one of them. I did find what looked like a diary in his night stand while I was cleaning. I wanted to take a closer look, but it had one of those tiny locks. I would need some time to break into it. I had this feeling it was not his inner thoughts and something more disgusting.

I was walking home and found myself walking past an old dive bar. I didn’t like the smell and I wanted to avoid it, but it was the best short cut in the city through the alley.

I had stepped into the dank corridor when suddenly I was pulled in by my hair into the bar. I looked around slightly dazed to see two guys licking their lips and pulling at their crotches.

“Hmmm…you look like you are in the search for some fun.” This brute with the blonde hair unzipped and pulled out this uncircumcised foul smelling thing. I don’t think he bathed in days. “Come over here and get down on your knees.” I was trying to find a way out, but there was none. He grabbed me and forced me into a subservient position. He slapped my cheeks with that thing. “Open up and say AHHHHHHH.” Him and his two friends were laughing at my expense. “I better not feel any teeth.” I was thinking that maybe I should just do it. It was far better than the alternative.

“Don’t hog her. I want to fuck this sweet piece…piece…what the hell do you want? This is a private party. Come back later.” I stared between this mans legs to see Anthony was right there.

“I don’t think, I’m going anywhere and if you know what’s good for you, I would suggest you take your hands off her and leave.” They scoffed at him and came after him with broken beer bottles.

“Fuck you…fuck you and your mama.” I had this feeling this was not something Anthony was going to take lightly.

He grabbed a chair and went into a rage. He left them all lying unconscious with contusions and bloody cuts that would need stitches. He got me on my feet and escorted me out the door. “You’re lucky I was here. Go home and we will never speak about this again. He was so gallant, but why was he here? Did he follow me? “Say nothing about this to anyone. I have a reputation to live up to. Stay quiet and I may not tell you father about this.” It was an idle threat, but I didn’t need a lecture. This was the first time that I saw another side to my stepbrother. He walked away and I stood there for a moment. I would never take this short cut again. It wasn’t worth it.

I got home earlier than expected and nobody was there. My father was still working and Allison was out at some luncheon. I went up into his room, crossing over the forbidden zone and standing right in front of his night stand. I made a casual glance towards the closet where the odd box was. It did make me want to throw caution to the wind and see what my stepbrother was hiding. I found the diary. I pulled the pin from my hair and began to work on it diligently.

I finally heard the click. I pulled back the strap to see a list of names with stars in a range of 1 to 4. There were even categories and he had rated each and every girl that he had been with. He detailed certain skills and I was not only appalled by that, but what I had found on the back page. My name was right there with all the rest, but there was a question mark where the rating should be. He had obviously thought about doing something with me. It was kind of endearing to know that he actually gave me any thought.