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Filling up the Virgin(90)

By:Amy Brent

Three fingers had now been stuffed inside me and my juices were bubbling. With more friction my juices became something of a white sticky translucent paste. I pulled the mixture out. It clung to my fingers before I put those three fingers into my mouth.

“I’m going to cum… My god…you’re going to take my fucking loading in your throat. Don’t fucking move. You’re not going anywhere, until I’m fucking finished with you.” She had placed herself in that position and she should’ve known matter. Now that she was there, she was obligated to finish what she started. “Watch the teeth. I certainly don’t want you to make any kind of permanent damage. Right there and I have no idea why it feels so good, but I’m going to… AHHHHH.” I could hear her guzzling his cream and it must’ve been one hell of a load. He was grunting and groaning, but it was more subdued like he was worried that somebody was going to hear walking down the hallway.

“I can’t believe that you made me do that.” She sounded appalled, but I actually craved to be right where she was. I decided then and there that I was going to get into his bed one way or the other. “I’m leaving and you better take your hand off of me before I take it off for you.” She had a bit of fire in her belly and I would say that my brother Anthony wanted more than just lip service.

“Why do you have to be like that, Serena? I said that I wanted to fuck you, but maybe you’re not the kind of girl for me. I like them to be a little more open minded and not so closed off. By all means, leave, but don’t expect to have me call you anytime soon. I don’t need this kind of drama and there are a lot of girls that would love to change places with you in a second. Don’t think for one moment that you are special.” His venom spewed from his lips. I was slightly taken back by how easily he could make a woman feel small and insignificant.

“I thought that you were one of the good ones, but apparently I was wrong. I don’t know why I even bothered. You may have a nice cock, but the rest of you is very unappealing. You need to change your attitude. You’re caustic, rude and too damn into yourself. It makes you look egotistical. One day, somebody’s going to knock you off that high horse of yours and I’m going to be there to watch your downfall. I’m sure that a lot of girls would be glad to see you be taught some sort of lesson in humility.” I had cum twice while she was going down on him with my eyes closed and envisioning that very cock slamming deep inside my mouth.

I had been practicing on cucumbers and curved bananas. I was getting pretty good and found that I could take almost 8 inches. With a little bit more practice, I could get rid of that gag reflex altogether and really give a man the kind of pleasure that they deserve. The kind of pleasure that I deserve and I found that having those implements inside my throat for a split second was like an aphrodisiac that I couldn’t get enough of.

I heard her sobbing going down the hallway and thankfully she didn’t show that kind of weakness in front of Anthony. He was not what I would consider a man that liked to have somebody lean on his shoulder. Tears did not sway him and he most likely would have kicked her out if she had showed that kind of emotional outburst. I wanted to go out there and tell her that she was stupid for leaving too soon. That would’ve put a spotlight on my feelings for him.

I got up with a trail of my juice now streaking down the inside of my left thigh. I walked wobbly, grabbing onto my bed before my knees collapsed out from underneath me. I crawled under the covers and I began to formulate a plan. He was known to get drunk on those nights that he didn’t have a girl waiting in the wings. After a grueling championship match on the football field, he would always find himself with some of his buddies knocking back a few. Beers had turned out to be his Achilles heel and made him almost powerless. I’d heard him stumble in a few times and usually my father would greet him and guide him to his room before he hurt himself.

Chapter four

Over the next few days, he was pretty much celibate. He never even gave me any kind of impression that what I had done to clean up his room was appreciated. In fact, he never really mentioned it at all and neither did my father for that matter. It was almost like they expected me to do it with a smile on my face. I knew that I had done wrong by not telling him about the dent. That shouldn’t preclude having him tell me that I did a good job. I could’ve easily told his mother about the pile of panties, but that was not my place.

Being a sophomore in college had afforded me a bird’s eye view of my older brothers attempt to seduce and corrupt a young unsuspecting female into his embrace. There was a particularly shy blond kind of a bookworm that he had zeroed his sights on. He was constantly teasing her, squeezing her hips and pulling her to him to give her an idea of what he had to offer.