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Filling up the Virgin(81)

By:Amy Brent

The bottle of champagne was chilled and there was a medley of fresh strawberries and whipped cream in the fridge for an after dinner treat. She was kind of hoping that dessert would be consisting of those strawberries and whipped cream and her body all mixed into one. She had dressed for the occasion in that red dress that she had bought specifically for the VIP occasion. It was perfect for what she had in mind. It accentuated her body like no other piece of slinky dress in her possession. She looked like she was ready for a night of love and was not a woman that was going to be denied.

She heard what sounded like an engine and looked out to see that Brock had arrived in style. That yellow mustang was the perfect extension of his already healthy and beautiful body. When he got out wearing that white suit with a black shirt and red tie to accompany it, she almost melted at the very sight.

Brock walked up to the door of her townhouse and found himself hesitant to knock. For the first time in his life, he felt a nervous bit of energy running through his veins. From the moment that she left him there at the goal line, he knew that he would never be able to think of anything else, until he got this out of his system.

He had just zipped up, when Coach Spencer called him from across the field. A few minutes earlier and he would have walked in to see his niece on her knees servicing his arousal. They talked for some time and he was finally making inroads into getting the coach to accept him, as not part of the problem, but part of the solution.

Brock almost turned around three times coming over here, but decided that he couldn’t let her think that he was standing her up. He could have dinner with her, but that was, as far as it was going to go. He believed that, until the door opened and he was faced with a dilemma. He could either compliment her outfit, or he could stare like some cartoon figure with his eyes bulging out of his head. Unfortunately, his surprise at seeing her dressed like that had gotten the best of him. He really couldn’t say anything. Staring open mouthed made him look like he was a complete fool. He finally shook his head and presented her with a gift that was not anything like flowers or candy.

She tore into the packaging and what greeted her eyes was something that not even she was expecting. It was a signed autographed book by Hemingway. The old man and the sea was one of her favorites. It almost brought a tear to her eye, but this was not a night for sentimentality. This was a night of seduction and to do anything less would be a damn shame.

“I really don’t know what to say…MMMPPHHHHH.” She didn’t have to say anything and once again she found his mouth plastered over hers. Her breasts were pressed up into his own chest. There was no doubt that he could feel those pointy little pebbles making a presence of their own. They hadn’t even crossed the threshold and they were already all over each other. There was that heat between them and the only way to douse those flames was to use the big hose between his legs.

They finally separated, but it was a forced decision by the both of them. “I appreciate the gift, but trust me it wasn’t necessary. You should’ve saved it for a special occasion.”

Brock looked around her and saw what she had done. The candlelight and the champagne was a good way to make him forget everything that he was not going to do. “I would say the same thing for the champagne. It’s not just girls that feel that it tickles their nose.” He looked back and seeing her from behind was almost, as good as seeing her from the front. The dress stretched to accommodate her girth, but in a way that made him almost want to get down and worship.

“Brock, I know that you’re worried about my uncle the coach finding out about us. I don’t think that it should matter. What our family’s think is their problem. My mother may not like this and we may not speak for some time, but eventually she’ll realize that I’m happy. It’s the only thing that has ever mattered to her and to my father. My uncle might make your life a living hell, but it’s going to be up to you to decide if it’s worth the risk. Let’s start with dinner and then we’ll see how things go from there.”

She could see him walking around the kitchen and taking in the fragrance of each individual morsel that was in his honor.

“You really didn’t have to go to this much trouble. I am pretty much a steak and potatoes kind of guy, but I can never say no to lobster.” Brock walked over to the table and sat down with her standing behind him.

“I could easily turn down the stove.” The implications of her seductive and whispered tone were clear. It hung in the air like a Damocles sword over his head.

Pulling her into his lap, he showed her exactly the excitement that had been burning in his loins from the moment that she left him on the field. “I think that you can feel for yourself that I am more than ready. I do think that it might be best that we cool things down. We may need the protein to keep us going for some time. Let’s satisfy our appetite for food, before we satisfy our appetite for each other.” He almost lost all conscious thought, as she grinded around in a circle.