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Filling up the Virgin(78)

By:Amy Brent

Brock never had a woman talk to him like that before. They were always begging for a piece of him. He could have the pick of the litter, but Leslie had shown that not all women were willing to throw themselves at him. “I grew up feeling like I was not part of the in crowd.” She punctuated the work ‘in’ with her two fingers from each hand up in the air in quotation marks. “I’ve watched these little blond bitches with hourglass figures getting all the men. It wasn’t, until I got out of high school and into college that I began to see that there were guys that liked a little bit more meat on the bone.”

“Wait a minute…are you related to the coach?”

Leslie was kind of hoping that her connection to Coach Arnold Spencer would’ve gone unnoticed. He would’ve been tickled pink to see her here today, but tasting the fruits of one of the players would have been considered off limits. To do something naughty and to push the envelope this far was making her skin tingle with excitement.

“He’s my uncle.” There was no point in lying and she had already convinced herself that what she was doing wasn’t wrong. If her uncle found out about it, he would most assuredly tell her folks and then all hell would break loose. Her mother in particular would not want her to get involved with a jock that had nothing between the ears.

“Oh god…oh god…I don’t want any trouble. The coach and I have a tenuous relationship at best. I don’t think that he likes me. I’ve heard through the Grapevine that he’s not at all happy that I was contracted by the manager and the owner to come here.” Brock’s hands were still on her hips. The feel of her body was more than enough to tempt him to take this a little bit further.

“Look, I don’t want this to be a problem, but he’s not exactly here anyway. He’s in Phoenix doing a recruitment stint and looking for fresh talent. I’m not saying that it gives us license to play while the cat is away. I’m just saying that we shouldn’t throw this away, just because people may not understand it.” Leslie could see that she was getting to him and decided to grab onto the brass ring. To push her will on him, she grasped the piece of pipe between his legs.

“That is not the response of a man that doesn’t want some of this.” She moved her hands down over her body and turned to give him the bigger picture.

“I really don’t think that you should be doing that.” He looked around to make sure that his advances had gone unnoticed by others. He didn’t want this to get back to the coach. “Damn, you are a girl that knows exactly what she wants and doesn’t mind going after it. Normally, I would throw you down on the field right here and have my way with you, but we both know that’s not gonna happen.” He could say that, but his resolve was slowly diminishing with every little graze of her fingers up and down his length through his clothes.

“I do believe that you might be protesting a little bit too much, Brock. It doesn’t have to be this hard….um…oh…it does have to be this hard, but I’m getting a head of myself. You never know and this might be just a physical attraction. You can’t say that you don’t want my body. I’m looking into your eyes and you’re already undressing me. I feel vulnerable and exposed, but I love the way that you make me feel like a natural woman. I don’t have to put on any airs.”

“You’re making this a very painful decision in more ways that one. There’s no way that I will take you right here on the field. I might consider a secretive dinner for two at some discreet restaurant or better still at your place.” This time, he was the one that had drawn the line in the sand. He thought for sure that she would balk at having him on home field advantage.

“I think that is a great idea. Here’s my address and make sure that you don’t arrive, until 7:00 PM.” She took a pen out of her purse and actually wrote her address in the palm of his hand. She pressed a little bit deeper than necessary, just to hear him cringe and grimace slightly from the pain of the point of the pen digging into his skin. Don’t make me wait, or I might have to start without you. I mean dinner. Why do men always go to something sexual? I would suggest that you get your mind out of the gutter, but I think that it has been there too long for me to do anything about it.”

“I still don’t know about this, Leslie. For the first time, I feel there’s a need to think of somebody other than myself. My team needs me and having the coach glaring at me is not going to make matters any better.” He looked down at the address and knew that there was no way that he was going to deny himself the chance to get to know her better. “I’ll be there, but don’t expect anything but a nice evening.” He told himself that he wouldn’t touch her, but he had already had a taste and wasn’t sure if that was the kind of drug that he could resist.