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Filling up the Virgin(77)

By:Amy Brent

“I’m just stating a fact. The owner and manager brought me into this team to put it on the map. I don’t want to ruffle any feathers, but I’m the star and it would behoove you to treat me like one.” Leslie was standing and slightly at awe and speechless at these men that looked like they were cut out of the pages of some muscle-bound magazine. Their bodies were draped in towels, but there were a few that were unabashedly walking around with not a care in the world.

Finding her voice, she decided to say something. “I’m here to meet the team.” At the sound of her voice the guys turned and pretended to feign innocence. They covered themselves nonchalantly, but there were some cock sure young men that had actually dropped their towels in response to a woman being present. “I know that this is unusual, but I’m the winner of the VIP contest this year. I want you to treat me like any other man, except that I’m a woman.” They surrounded her in a pile of wanton flesh and she thought for a moment that her knees were going to buckle out from underneath her.

There was one in particular that didn’t go in for this kind of fanfare and that was the one that she zeroed in on. Taking the good natured ribbing from the boys, she finally made her way over to Brock. He was this black Adonis that hovered over her and made her feel intimidated for the first time in her life.

“No offense, but I really don’t condone women to be in the locker room. Call it whatever you want, but I don’t really believe that this is a place for those that don’t have a pair of balls.” He was putting her in her place, but found that she was not easily placated. When he tried to walk away, she grabbed his towel and gave an appreciative whistle at seeing his hard packed globes.

“I think that you’ll find that I’m more than even you can handle.” She was daring him to say something in response. What she got instead was Brock turning around in profile with his family business swinging to and fro between his legs.

“If that is supposed to impress or scare me, then you’re going to have to do a whole lot better than that.” Leslie wasn’t showing it, but inside she was salivating for a chance to taste the meal in front of her. She had been with a few men, but nothing that even came close to possessing something like. If she had to make an educated guess, she would probably say that it was about 9 inches of prime Real estate.

“I stand corrected. Apparently you do have a set of balls on you the size of grapefruits. Let me get dressed and I’ll show you around personally.” He didn’t like her brash attitude and had every intention of making her the butt of his jokes.

Chapter three

Brock dressed in a tailored suit that was made from the finest silk material that money could buy. He was used to having everything that he wanted on a silver platter. “As you can see, the facilities are nothing, but the best. The weight room in particular is my favorite. It was a big selling point for coming here. It didn’t hurt that his salary was in the seven figures” He had her on the goal line. He noticed that she was looking around and probably thought that she had died and gone to heaven.

“To be honest, I’ve never been much into sports. My parents never even owned a TV growing up. Our idea of fun was board games and reading books. That might seem antiquated, but there is a real enjoyment in losing yourself into the words of some creative genius.” There were several authors that she gravitated towards growing up, but recently she had begun to read those stories on the Internet from authors that were not known at all.

“I guess we do have something in common. I’m partial to mysteries and things that keep me on the edge of my seat, until the very end. There are times that I can figure it out, but there are also times than I am left speechless by how the author has weaved the story in such a way that you never knew what was going to happen next.” Taking a risk, Brock grabbed her around the waist with his two hands and pulled her heavy, but seductive body towards his own. They were now, so close that he could smell the strawberry lipstick and even her perfume making him almost powerless to resist. He moved back and away from her thinking that he had crossed a line.

“You obviously did that for a reason. Don’t tell me that you are chickening out or that you expect me to swoon like some sort of teenage floozy. Trust me, I’m not that young anymore or that naïve to think that giggling or twirling my hair is going to do anything.” Leslie did feel a certain sensation from his fingers that were playing her spine like a musical instrument. “Make a move already, or I’m going to do it for you.”