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Filling up the Virgin(74)

By:Amy Brent

“I’m not going anywhere, Stacey. I’m exactly where I want to be inside that sweet little snatch of yours. The way that you do that is better than any woman including your mother.” To hear him compare my sexual appetite with my mother’s should’ve been sickening, but it only fueled me into showing him that I could be more than just a limp doll underneath him letting him get his jollies off.

“Does my mother do this?” I slowly took him all the way out and then I went down and savored the taste of both myself and him saturating his shaft. I heard him moan and I buried him in my throat before coming back up with strings of my saliva making him slippery to the touch.

“I…I don’t think that anybody has ever done that before.” I wasn’t sure if I could believe him and with his experience and way with the ladies, I would have assumed that this was not something new. I had to believe and I had no reason not to trust what he was saying to me.

I slipped back into the saddle, letting him feel those young walls holding him hostage. The only way that he was going to get out of this was to supply me with the necessary creamy ransom. This time when I felt that he was there, I decided that slowing down was not an option.

“I’m cumming… I want you to cum with me.” I wasn’t sure if that was possible, until I felt the bucking motion of his hips and the way that his cock was now reacting to the orgasm that was now squeezing him in a tight vise. He exploded with such ferocity that I could see how this was affecting him by the expression on his face.

I didn’t stop and I rode him all the way through his orgasm giving special attention to the knob that was still quite sensitive after giving into my womanly ways. I cleaned him with my tongue like a cat does with her young. I knew that I was causing him some discomfort, but it was the kind of discomfort that any man would give their left nut to have.

I found out that I was pregnant and instead of going home, we decided to stay here in paradise. He had found that he could do his job by delegating authority to his underlings. He could take a step back and enjoy the fruits of his labor. I was going to have his baby and what better way to say that I truly loved him than to bring him that heir that was going to put a smile on his face.

Those lessons would continue and even when I was showing, he had me on my hands and knees taking one black cock and his at least once a month. I never thought that I could be the kind of woman that could satisfy him, but he had done a remarkable job in teaching me the finer arts.

John was now a distant memory and a part of my past. This child and Joseph was my future.

Secret Baby Romance Collection


Chapter one

“You can’t be serious. This is something that only the guys should be involved in. We don’t need the embarrassment of a woman deciding that she can do something like this. Do yourself a favor and bow out now, before you become a laughingstock of the office.” Leslie Spencer was always considered the ugly duckling, but she had learned to love who she was in the mirror. She might’ve been a little bigger in the hips, but her natural D cup breasts really did draw the boy’s eyes to her like a moth to a flame. That was never more evident than when Evan came into the office and started to flirt with her shamelessly.

“You’d think after all of these years that people would be more progressive in their thinking. Today, there are many sportscasters that are women, where it was primarily a male dominated profession. You see women screaming for their home team. It’s not just the man who gets to enjoy the spectacle of competition.” Evan was a man that grew up in an old fashioned household. If his father ever found that one of his children was dating a woman of color or even considered playing for the other team, then he would most likely be disowned and thrown from the house.

“Think about what you are doing. The guys don’t know yet, but it’s just a matter of time. Once they get a look at the list of those that are competing, they’ll know that you were going against them. They don’t like you much anyway.” Leslie was the one that either made their life miserable, or gave them a moment of reprieve. She was the manager of the office and it was beholden to her to make sure that everything was run in tiptop efficiency. She had learned the hard way that she couldn’t be their friend and their boss at the same time.

“I’m just a little sick and tired of all of these preconceived notions that men need something for themselves. You don’t see women complaining that men can’t be in the kitchen. You would think that a woman’s enthusiasm for sports might actually be a turn on.” Leslie had never done the conventional thing. There were times that she shocked just for the sake of putting people on notice. Men in particular walked round in their own bubble and sometimes she had to burst it to get their attention. Whether it was with her stylish and seductive clothing, or even the way that she wore her hair, she was never considered normal by today’s standards.