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Filling up the Virgin(65)

By:Amy Brent

“I know that you’re being sincere and maybe we can do something before the wedding. I’ve had a little bit too much to drink, but it still is not enough for me to cast aside my moral upbringing. I go to church every Sunday and they stress abstinence until marriage. It’s not what you want to hear, but I’m trying to be honest with you. I do think that I can give you something to at least whet your appetite for the main event.” I never saw anybody pay the check that quickly and then he dragged me caveman style out to the car.

We drove over to his old high school and he pulled me against my will until we were standing at the goal post. He circled me and then bit my neck causing my legs to shudder and shake under that kind of attention. I felt his hands linger along the straps of the black dress and then he was lifting it over my shoulders and letting it fall over my curves until it was landing at my feet. He expertly undid my bra and let it magically appear in his hands. I instinctively put my arms over my chest, but he peeled them aside to look at my huge assets. He touched me and my nipple became instantly erect and then he gave them a tongue lashing that had me practically ready to jump his bones.

I had blond hair down to my shoulders, and green eyes that seemed to see through any of those lies that other guys would say to me. John was different and I really couldn’t tell when he was putting on airs or giving me the god honest truth. “I think that I can give you some incentive.” He followed that up by getting on his knees, holding my hips and raising the skirt part of that dress every little inch until my panties soaking wet with my excitement was now right in front of his face.

He took a swipe with his tongue and I had to hold onto his shoulders with my nails digging into his flesh to prevent myself from falling to his eager hands. He peeled my panties to the side and I heard the wet fabric between his fingertips. He leaned forward and I heard him sniffing and then making this animal like sound like

he couldn’t control himself.

The only light was from the brief peek of moonlight coming through the clouds, but it was more enough for me to see what he was doing. He had somehow opened my legs and the high heels that I wearing was teetering on the edge.

I had to finally kick them free from my feet and I had no idea where they went in my overanxious state. I might not be like other girls, but John seemed to gravitate towards me, even though I didn’t project that kind of hard body. I prided myself on being different and standing at 5’5, 150 pounds left me with a lot coming and going. My breasts were all natural D cups and I had a feeling that was the main reason why John had shown me any sign that he was even interested.

“I don’t know if we should… Oh fuck…WOW… I didn’t know that it was gonna be better than my fucking fingers.” I’d never had a guy go down on me and John had touched me inappropriately a couple of times, but it was by my own request.

This was a whole lot different and was drawing out those moans of excitement that I couldn’t contain within myself. I was breathing heavy, chest rising and falling with each breath and my skin was now showing signs of a glistening perspiration.

He had my clit right where he wanted it and was now sucking it with the purpose of getting me off. I held on for as long as I could, but his insistence was intoxicating. I came with this splash of confidence and he never moved from his position like I was that finger licking good.

“I have no words. I have to do something for you. You’re going to have to be patient and this is the first time that I’ve ever done anything like this.” I was on my knees and I had his fly open with his cock touching my lips and then the sound of eight cylinders came roaring down onto the field. The headlights caught me with his cock in my hand with a string of his stuff now clinging to my lips.

“I won’t let you do this.” I shielded my eyes and I looked to see that Joseph my stepfather had decided to interfere where his nose didn’t belong. “Get in here, unless you want me to come out there and drag you to this truck. I told you that I didn’t trust him and until that ring is on your finger, none of what you’re thinking about doing is going to happen. Do you know what the minister would say if he saw you like this? He would never be able to look at you the same way again.” I saw the disappointment in John’s eyes and then suddenly he looked like he couldn’t stand it anymore. His cock jerked and I moved to the side before he could give me that first blast right between the eyes.

He stood there and gave into that sensation, while I gathered my clothes and grabbed the one shoe that I could find. I left him with his eyes closed and a permanent smile etched across his face. I didn’t do much more than kiss the tip, but it seemed to be enough to send him over the edge.