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Filling up the Virgin(64)

By:Amy Brent

“I hope that you don’t have any regrets about what we did here today.” He was lying on his side looking at me with one hand drawing circles around each of my nipples.

I was staring at the ceiling and then I really had only one thing to say to his query. “I do have one regret.” There was this pause that was followed by him waiting on bended knee at the side of the bed. “The one regret I have is that I didn’t find you sooner than this. I wasted so much time and effort trying to find the perfect man. I wasn’t even looking and you came to me like a gift from god. Of course I will marry you and I will gladly have your children.” He slipped the ring on my finger and seeing him naked on his knees made him look vulnerable. He was the sexiest man that I had ever seen in my life.

We were lucky enough to find each other when some go all of their lives never knowing the true meaning of love. I could only imagine what my mother would say, but her opinion didn’t amount to much of anything. I was happy and the only thing that I could hope for was that I could make him as happy as I was for the rest of his life.


Chapter one

I sit here wearing this beautiful black dress that hugs my every curves and I know that I have gotten John’s attention from the way that he looks at me when he thinks that I’m not watching. It brings this flush to my cheeks and I know that tonight is the night that he wants to consummate our relationship. I can feel that sexual tension in the air and the way that he licks his lips makes me wonder if I have the courage to go through with this.

This restaurant is ripe with romance. The candles are lit and the tablecloths are made of this very soft silk that feels good against my fingertips. I’m 23 years old and I’ve never let liquor touch my lips until tonight. The wine had this fruity balance of sweetness that had me overindulging despite my misgivings about my inhibitions flowing away within the influence of that alcohol.

I couldn’t say that he didn’t look good in that blue suit that hung on his body like it was made specifically for him. I touched the rim of my glass and I moved my finger around it absently looking at him and knowing that this was his plan all along.

I could feel his foot unencumbered by socks or shoes running up the calf of my leg and igniting a certain spark that was only going to take the mere hot breath of his mouth to bring it to an all time boil. The grazing motion of his toes caused me to squirm and feel like I was that close to succumbing to my baser instincts.

“If I haven’t told you already tonight, then let me be the first one to tell you that you look amazing. I will say that that dress would look better lying on the floor of my condo. I know that you said that you would think about it and I was hoping that maybe you had an answer to my proposal. It may not be conventional for couples to engage in extra marital sex before the marriage, but I don’t see why we have to stick to that tradition.” He was saying all the right things and it didn’t hurt that he was smiling and giving off that air of sexuality. That man was a catch that had most women speechless.

“I’ve given this a lot of thought, John. I know that you intended to seduce me with the food first and then the liquor to complement it. I feel that we have come a long way and that a few more nights are not going to hurt us. It will make the wedding night even that much more special, but I have to say that this whole thing that you have set up tonight has given me food for thought.” In one breath, I had told him that it wasn’t going to happen and in the next, I was giving him that inkling of hope that he could grab onto.

“The one thing that I haven’t heard from you is the word no. Let’s not dwell on something that is in the near future. I’m sure that we can do other things besides going all the way. I know that I’ve been anxious to taste you.” I sputtered the wine that was in my mouth. I’d never heard him talk so blatant, but it was an easy way to supply me with the necessary encouragement to take this to the next level.

“I can’t promise you anything, but you are certainly on the right track.” I’d forgotten about my mother’s invitation coming back unanswered. She left me five years ago to fend for myself under the strict guidance of my stepfather Joseph. I was 18 at the time and seeing her walk out of my life without even a second glance was not something that a daughter should have to endure. I understood that she wasn’t in love with Joseph anymore and that the young buck across the street had turned out to be more than just a casual acquaintance.

“I mean every word that I’m saying to you, Stacey. We’ve been together for over two years and you have to admit that I’ve been very patient. I don’t know if it’s the dress or the restaurant or maybe it’s the liquor, but it’s causing me to feel this need for that release.” He was talking about his manhood. I’d seen him when he was aroused and all the blood that had accumulated down below was not hard to recognize with the naked eye.