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Filling up the Virgin(63)

By:Amy Brent

“I wanted this for so long…so fucking long that it has been hard being under the same roof with you. I waited for the day that you would…tongue fuck me like…like…THISSSSSSSS.” I came in the rush of emotions that came over me. This was simply a detour to the pleasures that were waiting for me. “Fuck… Fuck… Fuck… Fuck.” It became a litany of profanity with my legs trembling and making my legs buckle out from underneath me. I fell forward, breathless and lying over his shoulder, biting on his neck and feeling that fire that could not be contained.

I had to literally push him away with a glaze of my sauce clinging to his lips. The smile told me that he was happier than he had ever been before.

I had to sit down and the blindfold had come undone, leaving me with a ringside seat to the presence of his love muscle that was hidden behind a thin layer of cloth. I was too stunned to realize what to do. He did the honor by pulling down his shorts and then standing with no regard for his nudity.

He moved forward and the slippery portion of the head ran over my lips, until I opened my mouth and allowed him to slide with delicate care across my tongue. I felt empowered and then he was the one that was holding onto the back of my head, as his hips fleeted back and forth like a man that had never been given the kind of blow job that I could give at a moment’s notice. This was my time to shine and I had him close to fulfilling his part of this bargain.

I was more than happy to siphon his balls dry, but he had other ideas. He retrieved what was left of his willpower by pulling away and leaving me to thirst for the cream inside his balls.

I lay back and he mimicked the exact words that I had foretold of this moment in time. His hands wrapped around my thighs and he pulled me towards him with my legs spread and my pussy already well lubricated from the oral exploration of my flesh.

The head kissed the opening and then along with a combination of both of our juices, he began to insinuate himself into the driver’s seat. I thought that he would stop when he felt the thin membrane, but he continued to force his way in, until we were both looking at each other with surprise and wonder on our faces.

“I have to look at you and know that this is not a dream that I’m going to wake up from. You are everything that I have ever wanted or have ever needed in my life, Penny. You are a tight piece of ass with the soul of a poet.” It was an interesting backhanded compliment and I took it in the spirit in which it was given. “I don’t know if I want to ruin this moment. This is perfect in every way and the only thing that is missing is the orgasm to go along with it.” I could feel myself stretching to accommodate his length and thickness.

“I feel the same way, Angel, but I do want you to finally fuck me.” He pulled back slowly, until only the head remained and then he buried it one more time with my body arching my chest in the air and having my toes pointed towards the ceiling over his shoulders. “Oh fuck…that is exactly what I want and exactly what I need. So, fucking good and it makes me wonder why I have wasted my time on others. Your cock fits me like a glove and my wall surrounds you with the sweetest kind of treat that you’ll ever find yourself this deep inside.” The mask of pleasure on his face was now realized with several sharp jabs of his hips that had us working together in tandem to find that perfect pace.

“I’ve always considered myself to be…unlucky in love. I don’t feel that way…anymore. Your body is so responsive and that tiny little pussy is in need of the kind of attention that I can give it. Fuck… I want to make sure that this is something that you remember forever.” He had me by the ass and only my upper half was now lying on the bed. I threw my hair back and forth, whip lashing the sheets and gripping the soaking material with my fingernails and hoping that I wasn’t going to make any permanent damage.

“I’m there…I’m fucking there and it’s so much better than I even imagined… YESSSS.” His cock had stirred up the scalding presence of my orgasm. The searing heat that penetrated the skin of his shaft was more than enough to make him join me almost at the same time. His grunt of approval was followed by several jets of his white hot cream. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we continued to show each other this kind of warmth and comfort, until finally we laid back breathlessly looking at each other and knowing that this was only the beginning.

The next few orgasms were not exactly the same as the first, but that was a first that I was going to be able to call upon in the dead of night. Losing my cherry to Angel was better than any awkward moment that I would have with somebody of my own age.