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Filling up the Virgin(62)

By:Amy Brent

“I think that you can do a lot better than that, Angel. I’m not going to push it.” I wouldn’t if I was her. I had no doubt that Angel would make going to court one of the worst mistakes of her life.

“I want to stay here with Angel. We’ve gotten to know each other and I consider him a friend. It’s more than I can say for you.” I was being a bit defensive, but it was only because I didn’t think that Angel deserved any of this drama.

“I am proud of you and my love for you will never change. I may not be mother of the year or ever will be for that matter, but I still hold a dear and special spot in my heart for you. You are my only child and that motherly bond will always be there in one form or another. I have no problem with you staying with Angel. I will at least know that you’re taken care of.” She actually hugged me with more of a compassionate care behind it than I had ever felt before.

Angel and I walked back into the house. “I don’t know how quite to tell you this, Penny. I guess the only way is to put it out there and see what happens. I may have fallen for the wrong woman, but I think that mistake led me to the right one. I will confess that I have never been able to get you out of my mind and maybe on some small level my affections towards your mother was a little lacking. I know that this is wrong and that I should be ashamed of myself, but I’m through torturing myself over something that is out of my control.” He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him with an exclamation of surprise coming from me. I liked his aggressive attitude.

I put my hands on his chest and moved my lips away from him. “I want you to take a moment. I won’t be some kind of rebound girl. If what you’re saying is that you want me in your life then you’re going to have to be more than just my friend. I haven’t been with anybody and I don’t want my first time to be some angry sex against my mother.” I’d never said anything like this before, but that didn’t stop him from holding me tightly and moving his hands down to the small of my back.

“I wanted you from the moment that I met you. I think that we needed to take a step back and to get to know each other before committing ourselves to a lifetime of memories. I am a little taken aback by your confession about being…well…you know what you are. I’m a little nervous and seeing that you don’t have anything to compare me to, I want your first time to be something more than just a frantic display of sexual aerobics.” He made me stay downstairs and I heard him doing something upstairs, but I stayed exactly where I was.

He came downstairs with his hand outstretched with a blindfold that he intended for me to wear. I was a little reluctant, but I finally relented and let him wrap it around my eyes, so that all my other senses were now playing catch up.

“I want you to fully immerse yourself into this experience.” He escorted me upstairs and I could smell the scent of cinnamon in the air. It was a pleasing sensation and was only enhanced by the way that his fingers began to take off my clothes. When my nipples were free of my bra, I could feel the breeze of the air conditioning caressing those peaks. I felt his hands on my panties and I was biting my bottom lip with anticipation for what was to come.

“I can’t believe that I’m doing this with the man of my dreams. Not only that, but the man my dreams is the guy that made me cum with my own fingers by the words that he was saying through the wall.” I felt the bristly ends of his strong mescaline jaw wedged between my thighs. His thumbs were prying me open for a more visual inspection of the bright pink interior of my snatch.

“You look so fucking sexy standing there completely naked while I’m still clothed.” I heard the rustle of fabric and then the jingle of his belt, as it came undone. I wanted to look so desperately that I was prepared to take that decision out of his hands. I found the resolve deep down to let him dictate the pace of how my virginity was going to be taken.

“I bet you say that to all the girls.” I was only teasing and apparently he had taken that as an affront to his manhood. His fingernails gripped me tightly and my legs spread with his tongue now sliding around my clit and leaving a wet residue behind. “Well… I didn’t have any idea. I thought that I would wait for marriage. I wanted to be better than…my mother.” I lost my train of thought, as a very long and agile oral appendage sunk into the deep recesses of my vibrating hole.

I grabbed onto the short hairs on his head and dug my fingernails into his scalp. I was pushing him tighter against the opening between my thighs. The wet slurping sound was only punctuated by a playful slap to the inside of my thighs. I was grinding against his mouth, feeling that pressure buildup and knowing that he was the one that was going to touch on that switch.