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Filling up the Virgin(60)

By:Amy Brent

I sat there at the edge of my street after another few hours of driving with my hands on the steering wheel and wondering if maybe it would be a good idea to turn around and go back the way that I came. My new job was another 200 miles away. I already put a down payment on apartment sight unseen.

I finally gave myself the encouragement needed to face my mother. I stepped from the truck and knocked on the door with it swinging open to find that her husband to be was the one that had given such good and nasty dirty talk a few nights ago. We both looked at each other and had to prevent any kind of recognition.

Chapter four

“You took your time getting here and I was getting a little worried that maybe you were in a ditch somewhere. I was close to calling out the authorities.” My mother was always a bit of a worrywart or at least she pretended to be when other people were around. “You could’ve given me a call and you really did put a good scare into me. Angel was here to tell me that I should give you some room to breathe and that you probably just got lost in your thoughts or something like that.” I tried not to look at him, but it was very difficult when I continually glanced to make sure that this wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

“Your mother tells me that you have been dabbling with journalism. What branch are you interested in?” How he was able to talk without cracking his voice was a mystery that was only known to him. “I have a few connections that might make it easier to open up some doors for you. My business ventures are mostly real estate, but I do own a couple of radio stations.” That was my dream job to be a producer and the creative force behind any kind of advertisement that would be heard on that station. I wasn’t sure how I could justify taking him up on his offer without wondering if there were strings attached to the proposal.

“Your new stepfather is reaching out and I want you to give him the benefit of the doubt. He’s only trying to help and this is in no way to ingratiate himself into your life. I know that our relationship has been strained, but I would like to make amends and see if we can’t find a way past our differences.” My mother had never shown this kind of interest in opening up the path of communication between the two of us. I could only surmise that this was Angel’s doing and what a fitting name for a man that seemed like he had come down from heaven built from the blueprints of what a man was supposed to look like and act like.

I was feeling a little short of breath and I touched my forehead to feel the heat of what might have come from the farmer’s wife. She was under the weather the last might that I was there and I was now showing symptoms of the same flu that had afflicted her.

“It’s been a long drive and I will certainly take your proposition into consideration. For now, I would really like to lie down.” I didn’t tell her that I was sick and she was oblivious to me being sick when I was growing up. It was always my grandmother that would sit with me, but she had passed away a couple of years ago, leaving me to fend for myself. It was a hard lesson to learn, but one that gave me the strength of character to strike out and not let my mother belittle me into thinking that I wasn’t worth investing in.

“I have to get to work.” It was only 8:00 AM and my mother was already out the door before I had a chance to say anything more.

“You have to forgive your mother and I convinced her that it would be a good idea for her to put in her notice.” It appeared that she was only pretending to work and this was the girl that had never held down a job a day in her life. Where was she going and was it possible that her affections for Angel were not as deep as I was led to believe? “If you don’t mind me saying so, you don’t look well.” The room was spinning and I fell back into his arms. He carried me like a fireman would a victim outside of a house.

He kicked in the door with his masculine body hovering over me, as he lowered me onto a bed that wasn’t mine. I looked around and the room was the same, but everything else had changed. My childhood memories were boxed up in a corner and she turned my room into a guest room.

“It was probably a good thing that we didn’t do anything. It really is a small world.” I felt this chill run through my body and I grabbed for the white duvet to cover me.

I had my back towards him and then I felt the weight of his body sitting down beside me. “I don’t know what I would’ve done had we succumbed. To hear you in the other room giving yourself pleasure was almost too much for me to take. This was the ultimate test and I faltered a little, but for the most part…I passed. Penny, I want you to rest and I’ll bring you something to eat to settle your stomach.” It felt nice to have somebody to take care of me and my mother was always the hands off approach when it came to parenting.