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Filling up the Virgin(52)

By:Amy Brent

“My god…you really don’t give a guy a chance to catch his breath. I could barely breathe…fuck…stop that… I can’t take it anymore.” He had to literally push me away and I think that he saw that I wasn’t going to relinquish my claim without being forcibly made to. “I’m going to need some time, but I will find you and we’ll finish this. You were right about denying me that pleasure. Letting things simmer on a slow boil is better than instant gratification.” I wasn’t sure if I agreed with that sentiment, especially when my finger was not enough to bring me all the way there. I wanted it to, but something was forbidding me from doing it. I had to believe that I was waiting for that initial penetration and the feeling of being taken by a real man and not some boy pretending to be one.

“I know that my mother cheating on you is very painful, but I’m grateful that she turned out to be a bottom feeding slut. Now that I have gotten a taste, I think that you’re going to have your hands full. I’m not like my mother and I’m going to need it a lot more than just once a week. I do hope that you can keep up with the demand. If you can’t, I’m sure that I can find somebody that can.” I was throwing down the gauntlet and letting him know in no uncertain terms that his business tonight had not concluded.

“I’m one horny little bastard all the time and your mother has always been the one to dictate when and if we do it. I don’t know why it always has to be the woman’s way or the highway. I would think that pleasing both parties is exactly what a relationship is all about. I don’t want to always have to initiate and be turned down flat. It’s different when a girl wants it. A guy will practically trip over himself to get a piece. I have to say that you wearing me on your face is a very delicious sight. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen you look sexier than right at this moment.” I was cleaning myself off with my fingers and sticking my finger covered in his stuff into my mouth.

“I can’t seem to get enough and I do hope that you have more where that came from. One taste is only opening up the floodgates. I can’t possibly keep that desire from rising up. You’re going to have to be ready and willing any time that you come through that door. I am going to be all over you and it would be a good suggestion that you don’t bring anybody home with you at the end of the day. I don’t want them to find me completely naked strewn across the couch with a ball gag in my mouth and handcuffs to keep me from running away.” I got up on my feet with the apron stained with the essence of man.

“I look forward to having a very healthy sex life with my stepdaughter. That is until I get what I so rightfully deserve. Once that divorce is final, we will not have that taboo notion of being my stepdaughter hanging over our heads. We can indulge and nobody will blink an eye, except for those prudes that don’t like the idea of an older man with a younger girl.” I kissed him and he did not back away when he tasted himself on my lips. I saw our sex life as a growing flower.

Chapter five

I went looking for him around midnight and found that his door was locked. I called out to him, but he did not answer. I assumed that he had taken to drinking away his worries. I went to bed feeling disappointed and then I woke up to have him standing over me completely dressed in a tailored gray suit.

“I have an idea about how to take your virginity. You didn’t think that I was listening, but I was. I want you to come to the office with me and be my secretary. My current secretary is out indefinitely on stress leave and I doubt that she’s going to be back. I want you to take her place.” He brought me one of my mother’s dresses and amazingly it fit like a glove. It was tight and there wasn’t a lot of room to maneuver, but it certainly did accent the positives.

When we got to the office the place was abuzz with activity. I sat at the desk and I found that I was easily able to figure out things on my own. By noon hour, I had my own way of doing things. It might not have been exactly the way that my predecessor would have done it, but I found my own style.

The intercom went off and I heard a distinctive voice calling me to action. “Nicole, would you mind coming in here so that I can dictate the terms of your employment.” I was a little curious and I picked up a pad and pen and walked in to find that he wasn’t sitting at his desk.

I felt his hands on my waist and then his fingers were bunching up the material of my blue dress until he found that I was wearing only a smile underneath. He gasped at the knowledge that I was going commando and then he lifted me in the air. I dropped forward until my hands were firmly planted on the carpeting. I think this was what they call the wheel barrow position. I heard his zipper then I felt his knob pressing into the one spot that no man had gone before.