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Filling up the Virgin(47)

By:Amy Brent

“My god… I don’t think that I’m going to have anything left for at least a week. You do have the tendency of draining me of everything that I have. I don’t think that there has been any woman that has done that more than you have, Maria. It must be that Latin temper and fiery passion that allows you to take things to the next level. You look fucking sexy with my cream dripping off you like that. You should really clean up and go and fetch me something for supper. I did do the courtesy of taking the roast out and it’s been simmering in the stove marinating in my special spice blend.” Whatever he did for a living made it easier for him to come home and cook for her and not the other way around. It was a sweet deal and this was not one that I was going to allow to pass me by.

I went around to the front of the house with my black sports bag over my shoulder. I had to be careful and there was no way that I could actually climax without them overhearing it through the open window. What I could do was buildup that pressure and use Dave’s mighty cock as a focal point for my fantasies. I needed a chance to really get into it.

I knocked on the door again and I waited impatiently while drumming my fingers against the jam of the storm door. It opened and there standing with her barely cinched robe was my mother. It took her aback and she stared at me and then looked upstairs. She couldn’t afford her secret getting out. Unfortunately, Dave was already coming down the stairs with only a pair of jeans with the button undone. I’d seen him and I wanted to see more, but how could I do that without alienating my mother? I’m sure that I could sway my mother to allow me to stay here.

“This is not the time or the place little girl.” She was not going to get away with dismissing me that easily. This was my life that she was messing with. I had plans which would require the necessary funds to make it happen. I wasn’t asking for the world and just enough to get my degree in sociology. I learned a lot in the last year and my plan was to become a therapist, even though, I probably didn’t look like one on the surface.

“Mother, it’s nice to see you again and I do believe that we have a lot to talk about. I’m guessing from his expression that he had no idea that you had a daughter let alone an 18 year old one. I don’t want to go into every vivid detail, but you still owe me considerably for keeping my mouth shut. I will be happy to keep that arrangement, but only after I get what I came for. That money was always there each month. It was not there this time and I want an explanation. It’s one thing for you to cast me aside, but it’s another thing to leave me twisting in the wind.” I felt justified by my actions. She was fuming and I could tell that that seething rage was getting close to turning into something more physical.

“You dare come here and you drop this bombshell on Dave and you still expect me to follow through on keeping you flush” I was only getting about $1000 a month. I was certain that some of her marks had given her enough to live in the lap of luxury. I had spies and they were able to tell me of some of the extravagance that she had spent on herself. At first, I didn’t care, but now that the money was drying up, it became bothersome.

I kept staring at his crotch out of a corner of my eye. Maria didn’t have any clue that I was looking at him like something that should be devoured whole. It should’ve been very evident, but the only one that seemed to know was Dave. He crossed his hands over his crotch, but that wasn’t going to prevent me from seeing every vivid detail of every vein crisscrossing the large and imposing figure between his legs.

“It’s late and I think that we should table this until morning. I don’t know what’s going on here, but we can get to the bottom of it after we get a few hours of rest. I really don’t think that it’s good idea that you stay underneath my roof, but I don’t see any way around it at the moment. There’s a guest room down the hall to the left at the top of the stairs. I do hope that you won’t be staying too long and I’ve never been comfortable around children. I thought that I made that clear when I got together with you, Maria.”

“That’s the reason why I didn’t tell you about Nicole. I thought that you would see me as some sort of gold digger trying to get her hand in your wallet.” She told him the truth while at the same time making it sound like a joke. I knew the truth and she may have had strong feelings for Dave, but I don’t think that she ever had the capacity for love.

“I’ll see you in the morning. I do want to go on record to say that I’m not going to easily go away. You know what I came for and I better have it in my hand before I leave here tomorrow morning.” I mistakenly brushed past Dave and my hip made contact with the object that had been servicing my mother for the past hour. I felt this cold shiver down my spine and my lower extremities began to heat up in a very distinctive way. If my mother wasn’t around, I might have considered letting him go further than the occasional rub against each other.