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Filling up the Virgin(46)

By:Amy Brent

There were several certainties in life and two that always came to mind were taxes and dying.

She had no idea that I had come a long way to see her with my hand out. She promised me a life of comfort and I was going to hold her to that responsibility.

She pulled back slowly and as that piece of him became more revealed it was like my eyes grew wider with each slimy inch that came out of her ass. I stared at that thing until it finally emerged with this huge helmet on top. It was the last thing to come out. It was covered in her ass juices and I still couldn’t believe that that thing was real. I had no idea how he could hide something like that even when it was flaccid. This guy was blessed and had the kind of equipment that made me wish that I wasn’t a virgin.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea to go into business with family. We’ve been married for only a short time. Let’s not talk about something that doesn’t belong in the bedroom.” He tried to get up, but her hands on his chest kept him immobile like that of her captive prisoner. “You know that I like to have control and I think that you are doing this on purpose.” She was purposely pulling him back into the contents of her asshole and pulling back out to let him practically beg to do it again. “If you think that denying me is a good way to get me to say yes to anything then you don’t really know me at all.” I was getting to know him. The way that those muscles flexed underneath the lampshade that was in the corner had illuminated quite a specimen of man.

I would say that he dwarfed my mother by a least a few inches in height and his weight had to be at least 200 pounds. Those arms were like tree trunks and his shoulders were well defined with pectorals that were hard to ignore.

“I think that I can change your mind.” She thought that she could use sex as a weapon. She probably did have quite the run of success using that particular technique, but I saw that Dave was not going to fall into that kind of trap. “You do want to cum…don’t you? I seem to recall you mentioning shooting streams of it all over my face. I will gladly give into that request on the condition that you give me a down payment of say $5000. It’s not like you can’t afford it.” This was the first time that I had noticed that they were in a very affluent neighborhood. There was no need for security and this place was on the outskirts of everything and away from the criminal element that would prey on those that felt weak and inferior.

The truck and its gleaming chrome in the driveway must have cost a pretty penny not to mention the two jet skis that probably cost at least 20,000 apiece. This guy was rolling in it and I had no idea what he did and I’m not sure that it mattered.

“I’ll…I’ll compromise and give you 2500. That’s all you’re going to get until I see some sort of return on my investment. I didn’t get to where I…where I…stop that and I was trying to say something.” She was grazing her nails over his nipples and I could tell that they were extra sensitive. Guys were little more secretive about what made them tick. I’d heard through the Grapevine that there were certain areas on a man’s body that got the desired results. Manipulating those areas would have a man begging and crawling on bended knee to get more.

I pulled my pants and my underwear down to my ankles and I stepped out of them to make sure that I didn’t leave any kind of a mess on my clothes. I was within the shadows and the cool breeze that was tickling my lips did not go unnoticed. I squeezed those internal muscles and I kept rhythmically doing that. It was the exact exercise that had become something of Dave’s Achilles’ heel. I pulled my nipples and watched her ride Dave like she was going to put him back wet.

“I suppose I could live with that kind of compromise. Never let it be said that I didn’t show pity to a man that gave me everything on a silver platter.” It was obvious that she was a bottle dyed blond and that her natural dark blocks like mine were hidden to give her that bimbo quality. She didn’t want somebody to know how smart she was. The act of grifting was not an easy talent to come by. She had found a mark that was worth sticking around for not to mention the kind of cock that would choke a horse.

They were soon rolling onto the floor with him holding onto her legs and pile driving in between her thighs. They were screaming nonstop and then he pulled out at precisely the moment that she had just had one earth shattering climax. She was left completely stunned and Dave drained that snake all over her face. She really didn’t have the energy to fight back and lying there with a pool of his stuff clinging to her features was a small price to pay.