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Filling up the Virgin(42)

By:Amy Brent

Jimmy crawled over her body again and slipped inside of her again as she stared into his eyes.


They continued their relationship, sleeping together in the basement during the weeks while Marie was away. Had she not cooked for them, the pair would have eaten much worse than they were accustomed to thanks to her. Brie and Jimmy would come up the stairs and heat up food, shoveling it into their mouths before they went back to explore one another.

Brie loved his spankings and whips. She also discovered that she loved it when he bit down on her skin, in only those places that nobody else would see. Her nipples throbbed regularly, and her ass ached as she lay outside with Kat the few times that she could.

Working for your stepfather as well as fucking him took a lot of time.

“You look different. Are you seeing someone?” Kat asked her curiously about a month later on a Saturday. They had only gone out a couple of times to a club or a concert and Brie had rushed to Jimmy the moment that she was home. No college boy could every make her feel the way that he did.

“No, not really. I mean…when do I have time?” Brie forced a laugh. “I chat with guys on some of the apps but nothing serious yet.”

“Do you miss being with Ricky?” Fuck, no. Brie loved things with Jimmy, but she bit her lip in a false thoughtful motion as she remained silent for a few moments.

“A little. I don’t think I want to risk my heart that way again.” Kat murmured in agreement as she closed her eyes in the shade and they dozed off before dinner. Brie did go to see a new movie with her that night and had some dessert, but she pulled into the driveway and turned off the car as she noticed another one in the driveway.

Brie walked into the kitchen, dimly lit with only the light above the stove on and listened carefully. The basement quickly had become soundproofed so she couldn’t hear anything from there but she tried the door. It opened. Brie walked down the stairs and turned her head to see a young blonde woman strapped to bed as Jimmy rested his face in his hands. “What’s the issue, Jimmy?” She was naked with large breasts and a tight little waist, and Brie felt her heart break as she surveyed the scene.

“I just can’t do this,” he told her as he stood and started to pace the room in his shorts. He paused and stopped before looking up to see Brie as his face fell.

She turned and left before she started to cry. That was the moment Brie knew that she was falling for her stepfather, and she dropped onto her bad as the tears slid down her cheeks. They fucked, and he hurt her most of the time, but there were moments when it was just them on the bed as he claimed her body as his. It was his, and she would never want another man.

Footsteps sounded in the hallway, and she tried to wipe her eyes with her hands. “Brie. Fuck, let me explain.”

“We never said this was exclusive. I don’t know why it hurt me, but I’m a big girl.” Brie would never give him up and was willing to share.

“I didn’t do anything with her. I called her here and tied her up, but I didn’t even want to touch her.” Jimmy told her as she turned her head to look at him. “I needed to try and break what I have with you, but I know that I can’t.” He dropped onto her bed and kissed her as Brie pressed against him. They made love on her bed that night, slowly and deeply as they looked into each other’s eyes. Brie came hard and cried out his name as he cupped her face and kissed her though his release before he dropped his head against her chest. “No more women. Only you.”

The months kept passing and about three weeks before school; Marie looked closely at Brie as they fixed breakfast. “You look a little pale. Are you feeling alright?”

Brie had been feeling a little more tired than usual and drained, but she blamed the strep throat that she’d gotten earlier this summer from an intern at the office. The idiot had still come to work to get a job but was quickly released when Jimmy saw how sick Brie became. “I haven’t bounced back from the strep. I had such great medicine for that, but I still feel tired.

Medicine. Antibiotics. Holy shit. That hadn’t even occurred to Brie when she was taking the medicine and what it would do to her birth control pills. It stopped their effectiveness and Jimmy was still fucking her when she was getting better and on the pills. She dropped the knife that she was using to cut fruit for a salad for a BBQ with Marie and her husband along with Kat and her new boyfriend. “Are you okay?”

“I need some water,” Brie told her as she went for a fresh glass of ice water. She sipped it and returned to her job as her stepfather entered the kitchen from a morning at his office in a meeting. He smiled at the women, and Brie noticed a gleam in his eyes as she felt her stomach twist.