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Filling up the Virgin(40)

By:Amy Brent

Brie and Jimmy left after they put themselves back together. She was going to be covering for Marnie, but they both knew that Brie knew this office inside and out. This wasn’t her first time at this rodeo and Jimmy had suggested this so Marie wouldn’t pick up on anything odd. They stopped at a crowded restaurant for lunch, and Brie picked at a salad while he had a steak for his meal as they looked over the water. It probably looked normal to an outsider, but they were both thinking about later that night. She felt her hair loose around her shoulders and could still feel Jimmy’s hands pulling out her braid as she swallowed him down her throat. Brie could tell that he was feeling the same way as he shifted in his seat and looked at her from across the table.

They went back to the house and found Marie preparing a roast chicken for dinner that night along with vegetables as she asked them how it went. “I remember a lot, so it didn’t take long at all.”

“You’re a smart girl,” Marie told her as she smiled at Jimmy. He looked at Brie and even though he cleaned up well, she could see his face as he was between her legs to taste her. “You should hire her, Jimmy. Give her a summer job.”

Brie couldn’t help to think that he already had as she excused herself to get her swimsuit on and dive into the pool. Kat came over for a few hours, and they talked about their week with far fewer details on Brie’s end, though she did tell her friend about the job. Jimmy was scarce though she saw him in the office looking at them a few times. Her jealousy of anything having to do with Kat had subsided, and Brie relaxed in the shade, at least until Kat invited her to a party that night. Brie begged off, telling her friend that she didn't feel that great and even came home early from the office. Brie was just swimming to stay a little cool in the heat, and she expressed her concern at it worsening her little bug.

Kat had dinner plans with the friends that she was going to the party with so she left early, and Brie slipped on a sheer green cover up over her dry bathing suit and went in to help Marie. “I miss youth,” Marie complained in a friendly tone as Brie smiled at her. She wasn’t fat by any means, but being forty she just wasn’t slim anymore.

“You’re beautiful, and that husband of yours adores you,” Brie shot back as she prepared a salad full of vegetables and mixed it all together.

“Come on now. Both of you are gorgeous,” Jimmy broke in as Marie laughed and shook her head at him. Brie just stared at him as he met her gaze and kept his eyes locked on her until she looked away.

“It’ll be no time before this one has a new guy breaking down your door.” Marie teased him as Jimmy frowned and walked to the fridge for a beer.

Brie couldn’t imagine wanting another man. She joined them at the table and ate some of the food on her plate as her mind raced forward to what was going to happen later. Would he tie her up again? Would he have sex with her? There were so many possibilities and she forced her mind to the present as Marie discussed her upcoming cruise with the two of them. Brie and Jimmy shared a long look as he assured Marie that they would be okay, given the amount of food that she was preparing and freezing for them. Marie thanked them with a hug for each of them before she went to clean up after dinner. Bubbling over about her two-week cruise to Alaska. Jimmy took very good care of Marie as an employee, and this trip wasn’t difficult for her to take, and Marie knew that and worked hard to make life easy for them while she was gone.

Brie and Jimmy both went to their rooms until they knew that she had gone home for the night. Brie showered and dressed in a thin cotton dress in a soft pink as she dried her hair into a straight mass that hung around her shoulders, over the spaghetti straps of the dress that clung to her body. She wore nothing underneath. Jimmy had destroyed her panties earlier, and she knew that he would do that again. She added a hint of pink gloss to her full lips and walked downstairs through the quiet house as she took a few breaths. In and out. Brie had paused by the basement door before she tested it to assure herself that it was open.

Brie turned it easily and looked at the stairs that descended to the place that would change her life. It had brought her so many different feelings over the past months, and she took her first step down. Once she had a better view of it, the large room was something of a man cave. It did have a television that was huge and a couch, but the back wall was taken up with a huge bed with an iron headboard and large black cabinets located on either side of it. Some restraints were hanging from it already, and Brie jumped as she heard Jimmy’s voice. “I could have made this soundproof. I certainly have the money, but I think a part of me wanted you to listen to what you were doing to me. I never expected to find you like that outside of a door, but moving to my room was a good idea. Wasn’t it?” Brie nodded.