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Filling up the Virgin(310)

By:Amy Brent

She brushed her light Blondie hair over her shoulder and giggled before she sipped her wine. “You look good today.” He raised an eyebrow and speared a piece of shrimp before eating it.

“You do as well. You should show off your body more, Elle. The curves are sexy.”

“I will take that into consideration, sir,” she told him with a wink as he shook his head.

Elle had been dressing relatively conservative the last few years, probably because her mom urged her to. The nights that she’d had the one night stands were ones that she was more aggressive towards men and begged them for everything that she wanted. They gave it to her and with the little black dress that she was wearing tonight, Elle figured it wouldn’t be difficult. “That sounds dangerous.” She winked at him. Nolan shook his head before he sipped the wine and took a big bite of salad. “To be young again.”

“You talk like you’re old. Have you seen yourself? I’d give you thirty at best, Nolan. I think you get plenty of action,” Elle told him as something darkened in his eyes. She decided to press it. “This house is big, but not that big.” It was easy to find him when she wanted to listen, and he took a deep breath.

“A girl like you doesn’t need to be listening to people, Elle. I’m dark…I don’t think you’re ready for that. The women I bring here are older, more experienced. Stay young as long as you can.” His face was set into a frown as he looked at her and shook his head. “Maybe you shouldn’t dress like that. You might get more than you bargained for.”

“I’m twenty-one, Nolan. Not sixteen,” she reminded him, and he nodded. “I am a big girl now.”

She thought that she heard him mutter something to the effect of ‘don’t I know it’ but wasn’t sure. Elle took a long sip of wine and tried to calm her raging hormones as she forced herself to get some food into her stomach. She’d need it because she was going to drink a lot tonight and let loose, particularly after this conversation. Elle cleaned up as Nolan disappeared into his home office on the first floor and loaded the dishwasher before she went to dress for the night. She did a smoky eye look that made her light green eyes pop as she added a few coats of mascara. Her face was shimmering with a pretty highlighter before Elle carefully slid on the dress. It was clingy and tight with a plunging neckline that she added a large fake diamond to bring even more attention to her cleavage. Elle spun around in front of the mirror before she naughtily considered asking Nolan what he thought of her outfit.

Elle slid her feet into some heels and slipped her phone and some cash into her purse before she sent away for a car. There was no chance of her driving tonight and she got the time of arrival and checked her face one more time.

The text from Lance would go unreturned tonight. He could find another woman to bore, for all she cared.

The house was quiet when she left, and Elle assumed that Nolan was out for the evening. Perhaps she shouldn’t have revealed that she’d heard him with the women since that might have ruined her fun. She walked down the driveway and unlocked the gate to get to the curb to meet the car just as a little Prius pulled up. “Where are you headed?” The girl asked as she looked over Elle’s outfit with a long look.

“Club Jade,” Elle told her as she watched the driver punch the name into her navigation and wait a second. It was in Seattle and would be expensive, but money was no object thanks to her step daddy. Elle wasn’t quite ready for a full BDSM club, but this was one that provided a lot of room for dancing, be it on the floor or more on display. After a few drinks, Elle was aiming for the latter. She enjoyed the ride as the driver made small talk with her and smiled when she was told to have a great time as she got out of the car.

Elle paid the cover and walked through the room to one of the bars as the heavy beat pulsed around her. She ordered a cosmopolitan and glanced around to see that the dance floor was crowded with men and women, both straight and gay from the looks of things. Some of the women danced alone in cages or on lifted levels, and Elle watched as she slid a bill across the bar. They were sexy, and she tossed back the drink as she vowed to be better than all of them.

A few drinks later and Elle was feeling no pain. She started dancing in an empty cage, but that wasn’t enough for the newer bolder her. She picked a long table and climbed on top of it before she started to move her hips to the slow beat as heat flooded her veins. This place had a great vibe, almost like a strip club with the way some of the girls were dressed and moving to the beat. Elle leaned her head back as some of the comments reached her from the voyeurs that were standing below.