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Filling up the Virgin(31)

By:Amy Brent

We did have the baby and Sandra did eventually move in to conserve expenses. It did help that I was able to rely on her to give Jordan her mouth whenever I was tired and in no mood to do anything but sleep. I even went so far as to go down on her in a 69 position until we both were screaming into each other’s pussy. That was when Jordan fucked me while at the same time dipping his balls into her mouth until he was overcome with the moment.

We had this dysfunctional family, but it did work for us and that was all that mattered. Sandra and I would become partners in a lucrative business that Jordan was also a part of. We would work and play together and that was the best of both worlds.



Rick Henson was such an asshole.

Brie Larsen pulled into her driveway as she narrowed her eyes in anger and stopped after the few moments that it took to arrive at the end. She was nineteen and done with her first year at U- Dub and was looking forward to spending the summer with Rick, her boyfriend of a year. They had met the first day of school, and everything seemed fine as they planned a few trips to see his parents in California and hang out at the beach. It was something different and fun, and since her mom had died a couple of years ago, Brie enjoyed getting out of the house.

It was going to be their first time being really together and her first time at all. Brie waited a while to take that step but with Rick; she was ready. At least until she found out that he was sleeping half of the campus the entire time they were together. Brie found out in the bathroom of all places when she was in a stall, and one of the girls was talking about last weekend when she’d done him at a party. She kept saying how good he was, and it took every ounce of self-control that Brie had not to fly out of the stall and scream at her. What would that have accomplished? Nothing. She fell for the wrong man, and it was just time to move on.

Seattle wasn’t that bad of a city, after all, and she lived right on the water with her stepdad, who had a variety of ways to enjoy the shore that their massive house was on. Brie ran her fingers under her reddened blue eyes to wipe away the mascara that had run with her tears and stared into the mirror. “Am I that awful?” She didn’t think so because she looked a lot like her mother with eyes that looked like a tropical ocean and soft red hair and Brie always thought her mother was the most beautiful woman that ever lived.

They were so close and losing her in a sudden tragic accident had devastated her. Brie’s stepfather Jimmy was a nice man and kept taking care of her the way her mom would have, but she wasn’t sure about his ways of coping with the accident. Jimmy was a very good-looking man of forty with book cover good looks, and he was gaining quite the reputation in the city for his love of sleeping with a lot of women. Brie always heard stuff at school and was even teased sometimes by girls that asked if she’d ever slept with him? They asked her if she liked his collection of toys and whips which always made her blush.

It also turned her on a little. God rest her mother’s soul, but Brie was a curious virgin. He kept himself in shape and was muscular with tousled chestnut hair and eyes that were forest green. Jimmy was magnificent for forty and Brie was only human. She had to look now and then.

That probably had a lot to do with her being so ready with Ricky. She had never listened to her mom and Jimmy because that was gross. However, she had heard him with various women down in the basement where she’d always thought he had a man cave. They always moaned and sometimes it sounded like they were weeping when she’d hear the slap of something against their skin. Even through the tears, they always begged for more. He must be doing something right, much like her ex-boyfriend.

Brie sighed and got out of the car before she tossed her backpack over her shoulder. Brie headed through the open garage that showcased Jimmy’s small collection of expensive cars and walked into the kitchen to see their assistant Marie stirring something over the stove. “Hey, Marie,” Brie greeted her as the lovely black woman glanced up with a smile. Marie was a miracle, and she cooked, cleaned, organized things for the house and did all of the grocery shopping. Brie would be forever grateful because she really stepped up her game after her mom had passed away, leaving Brie free to grieve. “What’s cooking?”

“Stew but let’s get to the real point. Why are your eyes so red?” Marie demanded as she set the spoon on a plate beside the five burner stove and walked over to Brie. “What happened?”

“I broke up with Rick. It turns out he was sleeping with half of the school because I wouldn’t give it up.” Brie replied and Marie shook her head slowly as her dark eyes glimmered with anger.