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Filling up the Virgin(303)

By:Amy Brent

“Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as this sky?” I asked as I looked up. “I’ve barely left the States, and this is amazing to me.”

“I’ve been everywhere, and you are amazing to me.” I stared at him. “Let’s get you to bed. It’s late.” I heard the pain in his voice as I pressed my lips to his and felt his groan vibrating against my mouth. I slipped forward into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck as he moaned and lifted us slowly. “Walk, Trina.” I managed to move backward as he pushed me into the house and then my room, slowly making his way towards my bed. I fell back onto the mattress, and he stood and stared down at me as the moon filled my room. “I don’t want to take this from you drunk. You’re better than that.”

“I need something,” I pleaded as I reached out for him and watched him rake a hand through his hair. “I have wanted you since I saw you, both of you. I have never felt this way before about anybody.”

Someone set a bottle of water down on the night table, and I looked up to see Colton. “Drink this.”

Declan shot him a dark look and opened it for me before holding it out. He sat on the bed beside me, and I took a small sip. “Feel better?”

“I need to come,” I told him as I took his hand and placed it between my legs.

“The fuck?” Colton asked as Declan started to stroke my thigh.

“I am just going to give her one orgasm. She’s drunk, Colt. She needs it before she goes to sleep” My legs parted and I felt him slide a finger under the lace of my thong as I moaned. “She’s so fucking wet. If you weren’t so pure, I’d take you right now, Trina.”

“She’s a virgin?” Colton asked as Declan found my swollen clit. “I never would’ve thought that.” I leaned my head back, and Declan caught me as I started to fall back.

“That’s a girl,” Declan murmured as he sped his fingers up and brought me closer to my much-needed release. I cried out as it rocked through me, feeling my body against a pillow as I jerked against Declan. I reached out for him as I felt the sleep start to take me over and a blanket cover me.


The sun was pouring into the room as I slowly woke up. My room had never been this bright before, and I groaned as I turned back into the pillow. I listened to the sounds in the room and heard waves as I rolled over on my back and looked out to the ocean. “Good morning, Sunshine.”

Declan walked in with some coffee and water as I blinked at him. “Hi.” I looked under my covers to see my naked body as I frowned. I wasn’t so drunk that I didn’t remember what happened, and didn't think that I’d had sex with either of them, but I couldn’t help but warm up at the memory of the orgasm.

“How do you feel? Are you up to the shoot today?” He looked closely at me as he set the drinks down on the table beside me. “You had a lot of drinks last night.”

“Yeah, I’m okay. Who changed me?” I asked as I tucked the blanket against me.

“It was just in the moonlight after you fell asleep. Nothing else happened.” Declan sat beside me, and I looked him over in his workout shorts and bare chest. I nodded and reached out to sip the water before sniffing the coffee. It was sweet as I liked it even though my stomach was a little tender.

I managed to drink some of them before I asked Declan for a robe from the bathroom. He got it and smiled as he gave me some privacy to pull it on before I walked out to look at the ocean. It was gorgeous with the sun rising slowly in front of me as I looked down to see more fish. “Good morning.” Colton walked out and looked at me as I smiled shyly. “Want something to eat?”

I shook my head and tried to find the words. “I’m sorry about last night.”

“It was hot. I am surprised to know that you’re a virgin.” I blushed and looked at the ocean. “Was that just from the alcohol?”

“It gave me courage. Why didn’t you touch me?” I asked him curiously as he seemed to consider his answer.

“I knew that I might not stop. I liked watching though and that time will come,” he assured me as I widened my eyes. “So I thought we could hit the beach and do some shots if you’re feeling up to it. We can get some lunch once you’re feeling hungry.”

I nodded and sipped my coffee. “What am I wearing?”

“Put on one of the bikinis and pack the others. I think the coral one would be good to start with, Colton cleared his throat, and I remembered how skimpy that suit was. “Dec is the photographer.”


I went inside and showered quickly before I donned the robe again and went to the luggage. As nice as all of this clothing was, I knew that I needed to unpack. I found the swimsuits and lay them on the bed as I looked them over. The coral one was just a top with tiny triangles and a string bottom that left little to the imagination. I took it to the bathroom and put it on and tried to cover as much as I could with the material before pulling a white cover up dress over it. I worked with my hair and made it as smooth as possible before I slipped my feet into flip flops. The guys were on laptops in the living room, dressed in shorts and t-shirts. They glanced up at me, and I sensed the tension in the room as I cleared my throat. “What kind of makeup do you want for the pictures?” I glanced at Declan. “I assumed that there was no artist, but I’ve learned a lot over the years.”