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Filling up the Virgin(300)

By:Amy Brent

“You look like a kid at Christmas,” he observed as I smiled.

“I don’t travel like this, for work or pleasure. This is beautiful.” We pulled into a parking lot, and as soon as the guys left the car, staff hurried from the lobby to assist with bags. They didn’t even check in but rather followed the men down a sand pathway to a cottage on the water. It was massive, and I walked through the door first to see a comfortable and luxurious main room that offered all windows on the back to overlook the light blue water of the ocean. I walked over as I got lost in the view and pressed my body against the warm glass.

The men that came with us seemed to move in high-speed mode before I saw Colton slip a few bills to all of them. I watched him look at me before glancing at his brother. “There’s three rooms here, Trina. They all face the ocean and offer every luxury. Which one would you like to use?”

I wanted to tell him one with both of them. I had only barely kissed Colton but the way that his brother seemed to mesmerize me every time he spoke to me was almost too much for me.


I chose the room closest to me and wandered in to see a beautiful round room with a king sized bed against the wall and a huge bathroom to my right. The bathroom was private with a door, but the shower had a window open for some of the fresh ocean air and a beautiful bathtub. The colors were done in cream and blue with a few patches of light yellow and it felt very beachy in here. Of course, there was a wall of windows that offered another extraordinary view. “I must be dreaming,” I murmured to myself as I slid open the door to my balcony and stepped out.

The wind blew around me as I inhaled the salt of the ocean. My balcony had a padded chaise, and I walked the few feet out to see that we were a bit over the sea with the beach to my right. I decided that I just might sleep out here tonight and look at the stars.

That was tonight, though. I was here to work, and I turned to go back inside. I couldn’t remember the plans for the day with everything that had happened and I made my way back to the living room. “What are the plans for today?”

Declan came out of the room beside mine with his shirt unbuttoned and showing off his muscular torso and abs that seemed almost unreal to me. He was perfect and I stared openly at him as he chuckled. “Dinner and drinks. We’re going to have some fun this first night and get to business tomorrow. Colt is meeting an owner after we eat but I’ll have a good time with you instead.” He winked, and I think I died inside. He was fun while his brother was intense. “How do you like the room?”

“I never want to leave. It’s so beautiful,” I gushed as he laughed and nodded.

“It is. I like to leave my windows open at night and let in all of the air that I can.” He glanced up as Colton walked back into the living room, still buttoned up and staring at his phone. “Always the serious one.”

“If it weren’t for me, this company probably wouldn’t be doing as well as it is,” Colton reminded him as he glanced at us. “I don’t know why Dad left it to both of us when he died.”

“I do my part, and we’re still rich. The company is stable, and everyone is happy,” Declan said before he walked into the open kitchen and opened the fridge. “This staff is the best.” He walked back in with cold beer and raised his eyebrow at me. “Do you like beer?”

I didn’t usually, but I nodded and took it. I needed the liquid courage. “Thanks,” I told him as I walked around the room to look at the kitchen and then out to the bigger balcony. There was a sliding glass door with a screen, and I left that open as I leaned over the railing and looked down into the clear water. I could see a few fish swimming below me, and I smiled as I took this all in.

The beer was cold and refreshing as I sipped it and looked over the sea. A small part of me worried about being over the water this way, but it seemed sturdy enough.

We started getting ready for dinner after I’d spent some time outside to regain my composure. I headed into my room and pulled out my suitcase to look through it and decide what to wear. There was a pretty red dress that I held up to myself as I looked in the full-length mirror. It was sexy with a tie around the neck and it draped over my big breasts and clung to my waist. It went down to my knees but there was something about the way the skirt would swing around my legs that appealed to me, and would certainly please the guys.

I showered in the huge glass enclosure with the multiple shower heads and the wind blowing through the open window. It was stocked with products, and I used the coconut and vanilla body wash and rubbed it over my body as my nipples hardened. I was weak with need, and I closed my eyes and imagined the guys naked in their showers. My thighs ached as I imagined them hard for me and my hand slipped down my stomach and over my pussy slowly. I was wet and swollen, and I massaged myself as I moaned softly. I hadn’t masturbated a lot, but right now it felt good, and I pushed myself towards a release as the water hit my back.