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Filling up the Virgin(298)

By:Amy Brent

I watched as the brothers seemed to argue as women approached them the entire way until they reached a table and sat down. They didn’t pay attention to any of them even though they were beautiful and built a lot differently than I was.

This was a weird night.


I headed home once everything died down and sat on the futon in the tiny living room of my one bedroom apartment. I found the portfolio that outlined the offer, which included three weeks in Belize and the surrounding beaches since they had plans for a big resort chain over there. It included a round trip flight first class and lodging in various five-star places in the locations that we’d be shooting at. Both of the brothers would come to overlook the shoot, which made sense since they were owners. Still, though, I was nervous about having them around to watch me since they already did wild things to my imagination.

When I got to the part about payment for the job, my eyes popped out of my head. They were offering a salary that I could generally make in a few months working steadily in town. That would get me ahead so I could think about a backup plan, such as school. I’d skipped it to move here and stay with a friend until I got some work and my own apartment.

I decided to take the risk, and I called my agent to tell her about the offer. She was thrilled and since I didn’t have a lot going on over the next few weeks since it was Fall here. They did less outdoor shootings, particularly with the rain we’d been having. That was another reason that I’d agreed to do the fashion show, and it apparently paid off for me. Monica assured me that I should take this job and even popped over to read through the contract in her excitement. “Trina! This is incredible money and with the expensed paid for, I think this is a great opportunity. I think you should go.”

“It’s too good, isn’t it?” She gave me a strange look, and I nibbled on my lip. “I didn’t know there was any kind of contest at the show. They say that I won something, but they’re paying me so much.”

“You’re a beautiful woman, Trina. They should pay you,” Monica smiled and looked down at the papers again. “This isn’t that unusual. Companies like Brighton pay millions for their advertising.”

“Do they use models regularly?”

“They build in some beautiful places, so yes. It’s not unheard of.” She grinned at me. “This is a fantastic chance for you. Go for it and have some fun somewhere beautiful.”

I made the call the following day and spoke to Declan, who sounded surprised that I accepted the offer. He took down my address and phone number, explaining that I would be receiving items for the trip. We were leaving in three days…together. A flight with those guys would be torture. “We’ll pick you up in a town car and take you to the airport. How does seven am Friday morning sound?”

“Perfect,” I replied as I heard a dark chuckle at the other end of the line.

“I look forward to it, Trina,” his voice promised sin before he ended the call and I dropped back onto the couch with a sigh.

Within a day, packages were being delivered to my apartment. I got a beautiful set of luggage in a lovely red color and so many clothes. There were bikinis, dresses, shorts and tops and all of them were sexy and revealing. I looked at the sizes, and they were dead on, and I remembered the fashion show. I blushed at the lingerie that I found in some boxes from a very prestigious store in the city and looked through the lace and the satin that made me wish I was going with a lover. Maybe I’d meet someone. It had been a while since I’d dated, even casually.

I’d never even slept with anybody yet. I was selective, and I wanted it to be right. Here I was fantasizing about two gorgeous men!

My mind wandered back to the brothers, and I bit my lip as I thought about them. They were both so handsome, and Colton attracted me with his bold flirtations while Declan seemed to offer a more subtle invitation. Either one was appealing, and the idea of sharing them was beyond my wildest dreams. I giggled and called Monica if all of this stuff was normal. “Look, I did some digging, and they don’t work on ads too much, Trina. When they do, these guys go all in with their expenses, so enjoy it. They’re gorgeous too!” She whistled on her end, and I laughed. “I’d have a hard time keeping my hands off of them, and I do mean both of them. Live vicariously for me!”

I managed to pack everything into the suitcases that they sent me as well as a few comforts from home. I needed them to feel like I was still myself since this was like a dream. I set everything by the door and chose a soft pink dress with some sandals for the flight, along with a cardigan sweater. I slept fitfully that night and woke up early to shower and make some coffee. I dressed in my outfit as I stared outside and watched the city come to life as the sun rose.