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Filling up the Virgin(283)

By:Amy Brent

Tonight, though, she looked amazing. Sadie dressed in a clingy emerald green dress with makeup that made her eyes pop. They had been done up in a smoky style with a stunning plum gloss, and she shook her head slowly. She still wouldn’t make the former thousands of dollars that previous auctions had, but anything helped.

Vivian came to get her in the dressing room and led her to the stage as she babbled excitedly about the night. Sadie swallowed the lump in her throat as she stood on the steps and waited for the cue to her entrance. When she heard the call for the beautiful bachelorette, Sadie forced a smile on her face and stepped out to thunderous applause and cat calls. The announcer called out her likes as if it were a dating ad and started the bidding at one thousand dollars. Sadie swayed her hips as she fought a laugh and walked down the added runway for this part of the show. The champagne that she’d enjoyed in her room was doing the trick, and she narrowed her eyes as she tried to see who was looking at her.

Bids were called out throughout the crowd, nothing too far above what the original number started out as until a booming voice rose above the crowd. “I’ll offer five hundred thousand dollars for the lovely lady.” Everyone gasped, and Sadie’s eyes widened as she struggled to stay standing on her stiletto heels.

“What?” She whispered as she looked around to see who the man was in the bright lights.

“Six hundred thousand,” another voice called out as she spun around to try and see any of them.

“Well, well. This is the fastest auction that I have seen in quite some time. Where are we at, gentlemen?” The announcer teased the crowd as everyone waited anxiously for a response.

“Six hundred twenty-five thousand.” It sounded like the first bidder again.

“Seven hundred thousand dollars.” These guys weren’t playing, and Sadie clenched her fists as she wondered what more there was to this.

The bids jumped up in smaller increments as everyone waited to hear the outcome and once it hit over a million dollars, there was the sound of mutual laughter from the crowd. “Gentlemen, let’s do this.”

“We’ll go in together with two million and she’ll get to date the man that she chooses.” The crowd reacted as Sadie stared forward in shock and the announcer brought the crowd to an ear-piercing cheer. Sadie felt someone next to her, urging her off of the stage.

She walked off of the stage right into Vivian’s waiting embrace, who spun her friend around. “We’ve never done this well, Sade! I'm in total fucking shock right now, but you rocked it. I can’t wait to see these men…men. Can you believe it? Two men bid on you. Talk about scandalous!” Vivian chattered on as Sadie let her tense body relax.

“What now?” Sadie asked as Vivian pulled back and looked at her with sparkling eyes.

“We have a meeting room for the new couple to get to know each other. There're appetizers and drinks. I won’t lie. Sometimes they hate each other, but I am looking forward to this one.” Vivian took her hand and led her down a hallway to a door and pushed it open before she poked her head in to look around. “Empty. Come on.”

Sadie fell into a comfortable chair and ran her hands through her hair. “How did that just happen?”

“You’re beautiful. That’s how it happened.” Vivian told her as she sat down across from her. She poured them some champagne, and they toasted with broad smiles. “Remember, no matter how much they gave to the cause, what happens is up to you.”


The women drank and waited as Sadie grew progressively more nervous. When the door opened again, she looked up with curious eyes as two men walked inside of the room.

They were both tall and wearing exquisite suits that were custom fit to their muscular bodies. That was where the resemblance ended.

Jacob Landon was dark haired with seductive whiskey eyes and a full mouth that promised the best of sin to Sadie as he slowly let his eyes rove over her body and she understood the goose bumps that she had on stage at this moment. He looked built, confident and she knew that he was rich just from his appearance.

Brent Taylor was similar in build but with tousled blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He looked to be more of the wealthy surfer boy with all of the traits that Jacob offered and Sadie shared a long look with Vivian, who stepped up with a smile and outstretched hand.

“Gentlemen, I am Vivian Adams. I manage the Berman Art Gallery, which is a primary sponsor of this very event.” They shook hand in turn, and she surveyed them curiously. “I must say, that was a very impressive effort tonight. My girl is worth every penny, though.”