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Filling up the Virgin(272)

By:Amy Brent

“Paris? With the two of you?” I turn to Jake and remember our conversation nearly two months ago, about my dreams of traveling.

“And everywhere else.” He mentions, reading my thoughts.

The tickets drop to the floor as I kiss each of them passionately.

“Merry Christmas.” I say to the both of them.

Chapter Sixteen

“We’re going to be late!” Jake yells from the stall of a bathroom as I fix my hair. Emmet left to grab snacks for the flight, and Jake snuck me into an empty restroom for a quick make out, despite me calling him childish and irresponsible.

“You’re the one taking a piss. I’m just fixing my smudged eyeliner.” I argue. We meet Emmet at the terminal just as they’re calling for our section. I hold my ticket close to my chest, staring widely at the giant plane on the other side of the gate.

“There’s nothing to be worried about.” Emmet says when he notices my sweaty palms. “First time on a plane is always the scariest, but it’s never anything more than a few bumps here and there.”

Jake makes fun of me instead, asking who the child is now.

We wait in a long line until we find our seats, and I quickly excuse myself to the tiny restroom in the back. My hips touch the closed door and I pour water on my face. When I woke up Halloween morning I was almost convinced my romantic dreams were just that, dreams. But here I am now, with two brothers taking me to the most romantic city in the world.

I return to them and take the middle seat. Jake puts on headphones and stares out the window while Emmet smiles kindly at an old couple to our right. Shortly afterwards, the plane’s engine roars to life, and we start moving.

My heart leaps as we take off, grabbing both of their hands and holding them firmly in the center of my lap.

Two Huge 4 Me (Book 2)

Chapter 1

The elevator ride was a long one. More than a few times she wanted to hit the button that would take her back down to the lobby, but she didn’t, she was too excited about the meeting that she was about to go into. Whatever he saw in her it didn’t matter, he was attractive and his invitation to the party had come as a surprise in the first place. The doors opened and with a deep breath, she made it the next three steps to the door of the room. As she was about to knock someone opened the door. He was gorgeous, tall and lean and only wearing his boxer briefs, and obviously intoxicated. He pulled her to him quickly and rammed his tongue in her mouth before pulling her into the room, leaving her speechless. As he thrust her into the room, she stood in shock, unclear what she was doing there after all. There must have been 20 people in various stages of undress, some completely naked. On one couch were a couple obviously having sex and then she saw him. The man was in the kitchen with some woman sitting at the bar in front of him. She was naked and he was kissing her. He saw her arrival and made his way over to say hello. He was naked. Not just a little, but completely. He hugged her to him and kissed her lightly on the cheek. He took her hand and tried to pull her into the room. He noticed the look on my face and walked me to the corner of the room instead.

“Hey, you ok? You are far too dressed baby.” he asked me.

“I am afraid I wasn’t sure what kind of party you were talking about that’s all.”

He chuckled loudly as he waved the woman he had just kissed over to join them. She was beautiful, her massive breasts jutting out of the tight shirt she wore.

“Give her a kiss Lacey.”

The woman smiled and moved her hands over Lila’s shirt, pulling her tits out and putting the nipple up to her painted mouth, sucking hard on them until she felt my knees tremble slightly…

Lila woke up with a start, knowing she was dreaming once more. It was something that had started recently, the dreams ranging from sex with a stranger to sex with a group. It was always a surprise when she fell asleep at night, never knowing anything aside from the fact that she would be wet in her most sensitive areas when she woke, with no release in sight. Glancing up, she noticed the rain pouring down on the window outside of her apartment and she sighed.

It wasn’t about the rain that bothered her so much. Lila was more than happy with the rain. It suited her mood if she were being honest. The week had been one of her longest, first losing her job and then today… She sighed just thinking about it.

She had been one of the lucky ones, at least she thought so. Standing at 5’5 she was one the shorter side, but it did nothing to help with all the curves that came with her. She had long black hair, big blue eyes and her skin was soft and white. Jack, her ex, would often tell her she was like a fluffy pillow when he would lay his head down on her at night when they would go to bed.