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Filling up the Virgin(263)

By:Amy Brent

When it beings to die down I take a moment to check my phone. A missed call from my dad alarms me, but before I get the chance to call him back David steps into the break room to let me know the Kennedys just arrived. It seems the staff all understand to seat them in my section, and I fake a brave face as I meet them to take their order.

“Took you long enough.” Jake smirks. He wears a button up with rolled sleeves and slacks while Emmet wears a business suit. Despite their obvious similarities it always strike me odd at how completely different they are. “I was worried it was going to be Christmas by the time you got here.”

“Hey Remy, how are you?” Emmet looks at me as if nothing between us ever happened, and I force myself to act the same.

“It’s getting busier the closer we get to Christmas.” I tell them, speaking mostly to Jake. “Maybe you can convince my boss to hire a few more hostesses?”

“I’ll bring it up at our next meeting.” Emmet answers. I gave him a small nod and take their order. Jake frowns as I leave a lot quicker than usual, but I can’t stand spending another minute pretending everything was normal.

“Any plans for Christmas?” Jake asks as I bring them their plates. I give a short reply and leave to tend to my other tables.

The twins stay much longer than other customers, chatting with David whenever he gets a moment to sit with them.

“Ay, why are you giving the twins the silent treatment?” Camila asks.

“Girl, mind your own business.” I snap. She sighs and rolls her eyes, calling me a drama queen as she goes back to her tables.

At the end of the day only six tables remain, two at Sophie’s, three at Camila’s, and one at mine, the twins. They’ve been finished with their dessert for a while now and are waiting on David to finish up a call to continue their conversation with him. I refill their beers and let Camila know I’m heading out back to make a call. I bundle myself up and cover my head with a warm hat. Snow falls heavily around me as I dial my dad.

My dad answers on the third call.

“I know I said I’d be in town for Christmas, but I have to change our plans.” He says. I’m more surprised at the disappointed I feel than at his words.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Maybe next year.” We hang up and I lean against the brick wall of the restaurant. Exhaustion hits me like a tornado and my head falls into my hand.

The backdoor opens and close, and Jake stuffs his hands in the pocket of a thick gray coat as he turns to me.

“You’re upset.” He says directly. His head is covered by a knit hat pulled down over his ears, and two tufts of hair peak out over his forehead. “Is it another asshole?” I laugh.

“Isn’t it always?” I say.

“My fist is always available for rent.” He jokes. I shake my head.

“I don’t think you should go punching this asshole.” I rub my hands together, cursing myself for forgetting gloves at home. “It was just a misunderstanding anyways.”

“A misunderstanding?” He raises an eyebrow.

“Yeah. I thought he was interested but it turns out he wasn’t. I don’t know.” I shrug. “I guess I wasn’t good enough.”

He sucks in a sharp breath and stares at the snow at our feet.

“I didn’t realize you were seeing anyone.” Jake goes from conceited rich man to awkward boy in a matter of seconds.

“I’m not. I wasn’t. I was stupid for assuming a guy like that would want me.” The pity in my voice make me wince. I am not a one woman pity party. But Jake takes it way more serious and pulls me into his arms.

“You’re impossible.” He says against my hat. The cold air vanishes, and in the dark sky I can’t see much other than his hard chest. “There isn’t a single guy who wouldn’t want you.”

I look up at his face, at his strong jawline that I’ve been wanting to trace ever since I first saw him. He meets my gaze, and we both breathe heavily beneath the snowfall. His hand presses against the back of my neck and climbs to my ponytail, pulling it and letting my spirals bounce around my head.

“Like that.” He nods, satisfied. “You’re already irresistible enough, but with your hair like that, it’s impossible not to want you.”

“Jake.” I start, but he tightens his hold on me and I’m done trying to guess his motive. I kiss him first, standing on my tiptoes and pressing his body against the wall. He grunts and kisses me harder in return.

At the same time we both realize we’re standing directly next to the backdoor of the restaurant, and he picks me up beneath my knees and carries me around the corner of the building into a dark alleyway. But with Jake’s hands squeezing my thighs and caressing my hair I find that I’m not so scared.