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Filling up the Virgin(261)

By:Amy Brent

“All day?” I stumble over my words. “Why?” David glares at me as he walks by, but I ignore him.

“This restaurant is your family.” Emmet says. He stands and heads towards the buffet table.

“You don’t spend Thanksgiving alone.” Jake mutters between chewing his food. He’s incredibly handsome in his red sweater and I have trouble looking away. “Don’t even get me started on your asshole dad.” He adds.

I blink back tears and go back to making rounds and welcoming people into the restaurant. I didn’t expect to have anything to be thankful for this evening, but of course these twins have surprised me once again.

Chapter Eight

The holidays are in full swing the week after Thanksgiving. I can’t escape Christmas music everywhere I go, be it the grocery store, the public subway station or even the restroom at the restaurant. David roams around the floor in a bright red Santa hat and encourages us to dress up. Camila starts wearing a red apron that swirls around her thighs like a misses Santa Claus skirt and even Mike wears elf ears. I try wearing a Santa hat for one morning before tossing it off my flattened hair and flinging it onto the bar where Charlie picks it up and wears it in my stead.

During close David lets us know we’re closing the day before Christmas Eve and won’t open until noon the day after Christmas. Camila and Sophie gush over their excitement while I stay quiet, wondering what am I going to do for an entire two days by myself.

“Your dad isn’t visiting this year?” Camila asks. She gets her section cleaned earlier than me and helps by wiping down one of my tables.

“Probably not, he’s still busy in England.” I say.

“El cabron.” She curses.

“You don’t have to stay. I told the cooks I’d help them close up tonight.” Camila leaves hesitantly. As I’m finishing up the last of my tables a knock on the window behind me scares me and I almost drop a chair.

The twins stand on the other side, bundled up in thick winter coats and blowing hot air into their cupped hands. I rush to unlock the front door and they stumble inside.

“Holy fuck it gets cold here. Can’t wait to get back to the West.” Jake presses the back of his hands against his red cheeks. Their faces are pale and lips nearly purple and I can’t help but laugh.

“Is the north-east too harsh for your pasty white skin?” I tease. Jake flips me off and Emmet nods.

“We just don’t spend much time in snow, much less negative degrees.” He admits.

“What are you guys doing here? The kitchen’s closing up so you can’t force them to make you cookies like last time.” I add in Jake’s direction who innocently shrugs.

“Well I realized it was your grocery shopping night, and I didn’t want you to carry all those paper bags in a foot of snow.” Emmet says. “Jake just tagged along at the last minute.” I shift uncomfortably as Jake and Emmet glare at one another.

“That’s really nice of you.” I admit. “But I’m exhausted, I was honestly just going to go home. Plus if I hear another track of Santa Claus’ Coming to Town I might explode.” I yawn in effect.

Jake’s phone rings and he steps away to answer it.

“Then let us give you a ride home. I convinced Travis to let us borrow the escalade tonight, don’t let it go to waste.” Emmet smiles and I can’t help but stare at his dimple.

“Fuck, that was Tony.” Jake returns and drags a hand over his face. “Apparently the contractors need to go over the blueprints with one of us before starting it tomorrow.”

“Should we drop Remy off first and then meet them?” Emmet asks. Jake looks between us with a pained expression but he shakes his head.

“I’m the only one who even worked with them on the blueprints, you’ll just waste space. Take her home and I’ll call Travis. He’s been wanting to test drive the Porsche while it snowed anyways.”

“Alright, well, if you’re ready?” Emmet looks at me.

“Oh, um,” I glance at the kitchen. The lead cook shakes his head and tells me they’re almost done anyways. “Yeah, we can head out now. Let me get my stuff.” I run to my locker and get my purse, slipping on cotton gloves as I return to the twins. Jake and Emmet don’t speak to one another, again giving me the feeling of hostility between them. “Be safe, Jake.” I say as Emmet takes my hand and pulls me outside. Jake waves goodbye but his eyes never leave our intertwined hands. I lock the front door behind me and through the window I watch as Jake takes a seat at the nearest table and cradles his head between his hands.