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Filling up the Virgin(251)

By:Amy Brent

“David.” I answer. “If Scott complained about Camila tell him I have a life and can’t be there to please him twenty four seven.”

“What? No, Remy, Scott just left. I need you to come back for a double though.” There’s shouting in the background and David yells at the kitchen to be quiet.

“A double? I just worked an 8 to 7, some people might consider that a double.” I argue.

“I just got off the phone with one of the Kennedy’s. They’re in town for the next few weeks scoping out a new building. You’re the best front of house we got, I need you here until close today while I clean the office.”

The light to cross the street turns green, and I shuffle on my feet and envision myself lounging on the couch in pajamas with the boxed wine at my feet. But then the bills on the nearby dining table come into focus and I remember how much tuition for the semester I still owe and turn back down the street towards Kennedy’s.

“Pay and a half?” I ask.

“Pay and a half.” David confirms.

We hang up and I drag myself back to work, cursing these spoiled ass rich owners and praying we never cross paths.

Chapter Two

Camila warned me the entitled drunks are feeling even more bold tonight behind masks, but I didn’t believe her until dealing with it myself. She keeps my tables as I’m the evening’s Host, but I help out where I can in between greeting customers. They’re loud and obnoxious as they whistle for my attention and ask how naughty I’ve been lately, but I brush their remarks off with ease.

The next hours pass by smoothly with twenty and thirty percent tips left for all of the waitresses. Charlie kicks men out when they’re too raunchy with us and our other coworker Sophie, and we all take turns passing candy out between us and the cooks.

Charlie closes up the bar and leaves, already complaining about having to come in earlier than usual the next day. The late night crowd eases up until we have only two tables still eating, and the cooks all begin to clean their stations.

“Ay, Scott left you another gift.” Camila says as we wait near the entrance. “Are you going to give this one away tambien? Sophie already has like three necklaces and I only have two, just saying.”

“You two can fight for it. Hell, Mike might even want it this time.” I scowl when David comes out to say he’s done for the night. “Ass ruined my night off, and now he’s leaving before me.”

“Well, now that he’s gone, want a drink?” Camila asks. I offer to get them myself and scoot behind the bar. The tequila is top shelf, and as I stretch on my tip toes an arm wraps around my waist. My balance is knocked off and I fall backwards, popping my elbow out to hit the body behind me.

“Come on sweetheart, don’t be shy.” A middle aged man says, his mouth close to my ear.

“Knock off the sweet talk.” I turn, intending to push him off of me. But the man is already thrown off of me and in the grasp of another who twists his arm behind his back. A young man closer to my age holds the old guy in front of him and whispers closely in his ear. The man pales at what he hears and hurries off.

All smiles now, the younger man turns to me and asks a question. He’s dressed in a fine white suit with a white stripe down short blonde hair, and gentle green eyes with a line of blue around his pupil. He frowns, and extends an arm as his mouth continues to move. Black ink peeps out from his sleeves, and I see a half of the yin and yang symbol before I realize he’s been asking if I was hurt for at least a minute now.

“Maybe she hit her head.” We both turn to the other voice and I have to blink to realize that it’s another young man sitting at the bar, dressed this time in an all black suit with a black streak going through his faded blonde hair.

“Don’t be rude Jake.” The first one says and stands next to his friend. Only when they’re together do I realize that they’re twins, and more specifically yin and yang twins.

“Rude twins.” I say aloud as the dark one glares at me.

“While Emmet’s been trying to make sure you’re not traumatized, I’ve been sitting here trying to get a damn drink.” He says and looks around the bar. “What’s the point of this expensive mahogany bar if there’s no fucking bartender behind it.”

“The bar is closed, sir.” I say loudly and step away from both of them. “Kitchen is closing up soon too, we close at midnight because we don’t employ slave workers here.” I add when black suit complains about the lack of servers.

“Maybe we should come back tomorrow then.” White suit, I suppose Emmet, raises an eyebrow and gives me an odd smile. It’s late and I’m tired of all the flirting, so I just nod and head back to Camila.