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Filling up the Virgin(245)

By:Amy Brent

Though a gut part of me was convinced it was true. It wasn't as if Jack and I had been particularly careful during our exploits. It's not like that I could have known in advance to pack condoms for the trip.

I was trying to decide whether to bring the subject up to Jack, or if I should wait until I knew for sure, when the sound of a revving motor filled the air around the excavation site. After a moment I realized it was several motors: a small group of jeeps driving towards us at top speed. I stared at them, wondering who it could be, considering how far we were from any populated area.

Jack came rushing up and shouted, “Get down, get down!”

A moment later, the gunfire started.

I ducked behind a stone pillar of the ruined temple we were excavating. Jack pulled me down low and covered my body with his. I clung to him, trembling. I'd never been shot at before, and the sound of gunshots in the air made me freeze with panic.

“Stay here,” Jack said. He pulled the pistol from his belt and opened fire, using the pillar for cover.

He shot several of the terrorists in quick succession, dropping them with the precision that only a Navy SEAL can possess. I watched from my hiding place, in awe of the fluid grace with which he moved. He showed no signs of fear, though I knew somewhere inside he had to be as scared as I was. He just had his fear under control, thanks to his training.

Before I knew it, the gunfire stopped, but then a voice shouted from behind a crumbled stone wall. “Surrender yourself to us, Mr. Tremaine! You are a thief and a heathen, and you will pay for robbing these sacred sights.”

“Mr. Tremaine?” I looked up at Jack, confused.

“Put down your weapons and walk away,” Jack said, keeping his weapon trained on the terrorists. “And let those people go.”

I peeked around the pillar and saw the terrorists had two of my team held at gunpoint. They were holding them hostage and using them as human shields to keep Jack at bay.

“It is you who will surrender, Tremaine!” one of the men shouted. “Ours is the just cause, in the name of Allah! The world will see you made an example of, so that they know that rich capitalist pigs cannot violate our lands for their own gain.”

The man shifted his stance and aimed his weapon at Jack, which was his final mistake. As soon as Jack had a clear shot, he took it, dropping the terrorist to the ground. The other man panicked and tried to run, but Jack dropped him with a shot to the head.

It was all over faster than I could have imagined. Jack walked over to me and held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. I clung to him, trembling from head to toe.

“It's okay, Camille,” he said, stroking my hair. “It's over. You're safe now.”

I took a few deep, shuddering breaths. Then I leaned back and looked Jack in the eye. “Why did he call you Mr. Tremaine?”

He smirked, holstering his pistol. “I've been meaning to find the right time to tell you.” He held out his arms in a humble stance. “My real name is Jack Tremaine. I'm the one who's been funding your expeditions.”

I stared at him for a long moment, dumbfounded. Then I raised my hand and slapped him as hard as I could across the face.

* * *

I stalked across the excavation site, grabbing whatever equipment I could carry and hauling it off towards our rental trucks. The rest of the team was standing around in a daze, staring at the bodies, at the guns, at the blood on the ground. I couldn't stand around and stare. I had to keep moving.

“Camille,” Jack said, following me to the truck.

“Don't talk to me.” I dumped a load of tools in the back of the truck, then turned back to collect some more. Jack stopped me and grabbed my shaking hands. Part of me wanted him to hold me. Part of me wanted to scream at him.

Instead I just shoved away from him and went over to the folding table where we had all of our maps and documents about the site. I rolled everything up in a clump, not caring if some of the pages got rumpled. Jack stood off to the side, watching me.

“We should go,” Tracy said, pulling herself away from the scene of violence. She smacked William on his arm to get him moving. “Come on, Will. This isn't the place to be hanging around.”

“Should we call someone?” William asked. “The...the police? The government?”

“We're not calling anyone,” Jack said. “If any hostiles know we're in the area, our only option is to evacuate. We've saved enough history for this trip.”

“I'm sure Mr. Tremaine doesn't want to risk bad publicity by having his excavation team captured by terrorists,” I snapped. I shoved the maps and papers into a long black tube, twisted the cap on, and tossed it into one of the trucks.