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Filling up the Virgin(23)

By:Amy Brent

“We’ve been doing some thinking,” Declan said as he closed the door. “Seeing you this weekend in that wedding, looking so beautiful…it made us want that with you, Polly.” I turned to stare at him. “I know that it won’t be legal in the eyes of the state, but it would mean everything to us if you would become ours forever.” I watched as Braden walked over to the fireplace and slipped a box down before I looked at Declan again. It was a ring box.

“Is this a proposal?” I asked as they stood before me and gazed into my eyes.

“We love you, Polly,” Declan said as he took one of my hands.

“We’ve never been happier with anyone like this,” Braden said as I looked into his face, then Declan’s.

“I’d love to marry you,” I cried as I hugged them, sobbing into their bodies. They managed to slip the engagement ring on my finger; a band of diamonds with a beautiful center stone before I kissed them, one by one.

There were the dark looks and snarky comments once the ring was noticed, but I rose above it. We planned a ceremony in the house they bought in the Hamptons just on a beach that was private to us. The man that they knew agreed to marry all of us in the ceremony even though I could only legally marry one of them and that was enough for me.

I chose a lace dress in cream that hung from my shoulders with a thin strap down in soft flowing layers. My hair was pinned up part way, hanging in curls and my makeup was simple, enhancing my eyes and full lips.

The sun was still above the horizon when we stood together, saying our vows in front of the people that loved and supported us the most. I kissed one of them and then the other as I held them close to me as we knew that no matter what the laws said, we were together now. They had rings, and I had my rings and a plan for our future.


I’d been working at the publisher for a year and married for six months when I stopped at the store on the way home to the apartment. I walked to the section of the store that I needed, grinning as I slipped a few items into my hand basket. I grabbed some chocolate before I made my way to the cashier and blushed as they rang me up.

I knew that Declan and Braden wouldn’t be home for a little while, so I had time to prepare. I went into the bathroom and took all of the pregnancy tests, having downed a bottle of water to do so. I left them on the counter and slipped on a sexy red lace negligee to greet them when they arrived home, dancing around the bedroom excitedly as I thought about what was happening.

I made my way to the bathroom to check the results, crying when I saw that the tests were positive as I covered my face with my hands. I was lost in the moment when I heard the front door open, and I tried to pull myself together.

“Baby?” Declan called as I bit my lip and struggled to regain my composure.

“Where is she?” Braden asked as I heard then come further into the apartment towards the bedroom.

“I’m in here!” I cried out as I turned around and watched them approach me with worried eyes.

“Are you okay?” Declan asked as he looked over my skimpy outfit before taking a close look at my face.

“Yeah, you look beautiful but what’s with the tears?” Braden asked me as I stepped aside and waved my hand at the counter.

“Look,” I said as they walked inside and looked at each test, slowly and carefully.

“You’re pregnant?” They both asked as I stared at them. Their eyes were bright and smiles genuine, and I nodded.

“I am,” I admitted as they pulled me into their arms. They knew I stopped taking my pills soon after the wedding and were on board with my plan. It took some time but here we were now, soon-to-be parents in a non-traditional relationship.

We made the announcement after the first few months, wanting to be sure of the news. Everyone that loved us was thrilled, and Nicki cried, five months along with her daughter already. We made plans for our babies to grow up together and love each other and I felt the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. I knew that I’d gotten my forever.

When we had the first ultrasound and found out that two babies were growing inside of me, I just looked at them and smiled.


There was no other way that this could happen and my life had just come full circle.

Daddy’s Girl Collection


Chapter one

I sit here in my bedroom and I watch the young man with the huge cock fucking this blond temptress with fake tits and all I can do is slip my fingers into my virginal white panties. I have my eyes glued to the screen of my computer and I’m consciously aware that that door could open at any moment with Jordan slipping in to say good night. Thankfully, I can hear his footsteps and the floorboards creak in a certain spot before he reaches the threshold to my bedroom.