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Filling up the Virgin(227)

By:Amy Brent

“That’s not what I was expecting to come out of your mouth,” Charlie told her when he finally stopped coughing. He looked at her and his eyes widened as they settled on her stomach. Realization dawned on him when he remembered their first encounter. He hadn’t been careful like he normally was and it looks like he was going to pay the consequences for it.

“Well, it wasn’t how I was planning on telling you, but it just… well it’s out now.” Shareena told him and sighed and sat back down in her chair to pick at her food. She waited for the news to sink in, not wanting to pressure him or upset him further.

Charlie put a bite of food in his mouth and chewed slowly. He looked thoughtful. He swallowed his food then looked up at her.

“What is your plan?” He asked her quietly. He didn’t make accusations, or sound angry. It was a simple question. To Shareena, she felt like she was standing in front of a firing squad, her answer could change everything. Swallowing hard she opened her mouth to answer him.

“I plan on keeping it.” She finally said quietly, “I would hope that you’ll choose to be involved, I like you Charlie. I really like you. While this wasn’t planned, I do feel a connection to this baby already. I can afford it if you want to walk away, and I won’t pressure you. But, I do sincerely hope that we can move forward, and at least stay friends.”

“Friends?” Charlie sputtered at her staring in shock. “What I feel for you would make it impossible for us to just be friends, Shareena.”

“What do you mean?” She asked him, blinking trying to understand what he was telling her.

“Friends. I cannot just be friends with you. I’m attracted to you, and while an unplanned pregnancy wasn’t on my list of things I was hoping to have happen anytime soon, we can figure this out together. But friends? I think I’m insulted. What exactly was I to you?” Charlie asked, feeling as if she was about to tell him he was just for sex, and she felt nothing more for him. Until this moment, he hadn’t even realized how deeply he’d started to care for her.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” blinking at him rapidly, she realized that she hurt his feelings.

“Then how exactly did you mean it?” He asked her.

“I mean, well… I just meant that I’m an adult who can take responsibility for her choices and actions in life. I like you a lot and I have strong feelings for you too. I also don’t expect you to feel the same way as me, or even be supportive or want to be involved when a surprise situation happens. I just… wanted to give you choices too. I don’t want you to feel trapped. If you want to be here, I want it to be because you want to be.” Shareena told him and then reached out to touch him. “I want you involved. That’s my personal preference. But I don’t want to make you feel like you have no options or choices in this situation. We are both adults, we both should be on the same page in this.”

“Why didn’t you just say that to begin with?” Charlie asked her and shook his head. This woman in front of him confused him.

She quirked a brow at him and snorted, “Like I have any previous experience with a conversation like this? I think I’m lucky to have just spewed out basic information and let the dust settle.”

“So… what happens next?” He asked her, deciding to just move on.

“I go to the doctors, I figure out a due-date, and I guess I decide what I want to do from here. I mean, I’m keeping it, but there’s so many birth and pregnancy options and it’s a little overwhelming.” Shareena muttered, “Like, if I want a water birth, I may need to go with a birth center. But since it’s a first baby, I maybe should do it in a hospital, or… it’s complicated.”

Charlie nodded, not really understanding anything she just said. He was mentally ticking off insurance stuff, and if he could help out to pay for the pregnancy, and how they would balance and manage raising a child together if they didn’t cohabitate.

“I think we need to consider moving in together. Give it a trial run before the baby is here to see if we can handle being a family. If not, then we have time to figure out how to be… friends as you put it and raise the child in a mutually beneficial situation for all of us.”

Shareena nodded, not trusting herself to speak, the panic at the idea of having her personal space invaded, even by a man she liked had her wanting to go hide in her room to breathe.

“We’ll be okay; we’ll figure it out as we go along.” He told her and squeezed her hand.

Chapter 5

Charlie was at work. His thoughts were filled of Shareena, the baby they’d accidentally made together, and trying to figure out how his work schedule would make him a half-way decent partner.