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Filling up the Virgin(222)

By:Amy Brent

She had been published in numerous magazines, and had written articles to go with them. Writing wasn’t nearly as fun for her, but she was getting good at writing descriptive articles that allowed visuals in words to go with the pictures.

What she stumbled upon today surprised her. Out in the middle of nowhere, there was a body, laying in a field face down. Carefully making her way over to it, she poked it with her toe. The body shuddered and she realized he was alive. Bending down she helped him turn over and saw a very attractive man, in a navy uniform. It was a good two hours from the nearest naval port or coast, so he was a long way from home.

“What are you doing all the way out here?” She asked him as he woke up and looked at her with one eye.

“Bachelor party… gone wild.” He muttered and sat up, holding his head.

“You had a party all the way out here?” She asked him, shocked.

“No, it was in town a few minutes from her. The stripper was giving me a ride home. She dropped me off here, took my wallet, and left me to rot. She took my cell phone too.” He muttered. “I know, I know, but I don’t hit ladies. So don’t give me that look.”

“You let a stripper take advantage of you?” Shareena stared at him and then started to laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“You remind me of hot chocolate and smell like vanilla and cinnamon. Unless you want me to eat you, please help me up and let me borrow your cell phone so I can call a buddy to come rescue me,” realizing he didn’t give her his name, he paused and felt slightly embarrassed. “Charles, sorry. My name is Charles Danlies. You can call me Charlie though.”

“Okay Charlie, I’m Shareena. I have my cell phone back in my car, if you think you can walk that far without falling over.” She helped him up and realized that he towered over her. She could feel his muscles through his uniform and while she wasn’t a small girl, he made her feel delicate and tiny compared to him. The man was a giant.

“Did you know you have skin the color of mocha? And your eyes remind me of whisky.” He told her, as he looked down at her, “I totally am not hitting on you. However, you are beautiful. Thank you for your help.”

Shareena didn’t know whether to laugh or feel embarrassed. The man was clearly still intoxicated, despite his night spent in the grass.

“So, is anyone missing you?” She asked him quietly, changing the subject.

“No, I work for Navy intelligence. I’m an investigator. I’m on vacation right now. I spent a few years as a regular navy guy. I also spent some time as a navy seal, but I found my interest was investigations and undercover work. I’m also talking too much, so tell me what a beautiful woman like yourself is doing out here.” Charlie asked her, and wondered how to get her number without coming off like a creep.

“I’m a photographer. I was out here trying to get some work done. Actually, hold on, don’t move, the lighting is perfect.” She told him, and then stood back and took a few pictures of him with the sun high in the sky with him looking bewildered as she snapped a few pictures. “Perfect!”

“If you say so,” Charlie muttered.

“I have a consent form in my ca. I will just need a signature to use and sell these photos, if you don’t mind?” Shareena asked him and smiled in his direction, her teeth flashing between her lips.

“Only if you agree to go on a date with me,” Charlie told her and raised a brow as they reached his car.

She hesitated slightly. She barely knew him, but it was clear he was a bit of a trouble maker despite being navy intelligence with a background that she admitted had her fascinated. She’d never gone out with a military man before, of any sort. Normally she dated bankers, and intellectual types. This man had brute strength and reminded her of Hercules. Maybe a change of the type of man would be a good thing. She could at least use a little fun.

Handing him a release form and a pen, she nodded. “Deal, but I get to pick when and where.”

“As long as it’s within the next week, or I get to decide,” he told her as he filled out the paper and handed it back to her. “Can I use your phone now?”

“Sure, or I could give you a ride?” Shareena offered before she could stop herself. For some reason, she felt the urge to help him. Something about him had her drawn to him. Despite his size and his obvious military training, she wasn’t scared of him. His bad boy nature seemed to extend to acts of stupid, rather than scary.

“I’d offer to pay for your gas, but I’m missing my wallet.” He gave her a quirky grin and she laughed.