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Filling up the Virgin(219)

By:Amy Brent

She gave him a tour of the house, showing him the studio and her current work in progress. While beautiful, it showed despair and he looked closely at her as she avoided his gaze. Rowan looked forward and led the way out of the room and further down the hall, turning right into a doorway as he followed her slowly. “This is my room. It was Gram’s but I chose to take it when I moved in.”

It was small but beautiful with a big four poster bed and vivid yellow walls. The little furniture that she had was simple and he looked around to see some pictures on the wall. Stepping forward, Deacon saw images from when she was a child as well as a teen, surrounded by family that clearly loved her. There was a look in her eyes that she seemed to be missing sometimes and he smiled at one of the photos before turning to her. “Your family looks very loving.”

“They are. Mom lives in Georgia with her husband of five years now, so I don’t see as much of her as I’d like. Holidays and that kind of thing now. My sister lives over in Maryland and is going to college.” Rowan smiled fiercely as she looked at a picture of her and her sibling as children. “I adore that girl with everything that I have, much like you do with your brother.” She looked into his eyes. “I saw it that night. You are protective of the ones you love, Deacon. Aren’t you?”

“Very.” He stepped towards her, his eyes darkening as he slowly cupped her face and stared into her eyes. “Can I kiss you?”

She answered him with a press of her mouth, pulling him closer as their lips collided with the deepening of their kiss. Deacon held onto her as he stumbled across the room, both of them falling on the bad as she pushed him down onto the mattress.

He tore her hair out of her ponytail as she leaned over him, grasping it in handfuls as they kissed each other hungrily. He slipped one hand down to her hip and tried to pull her closer, noticing that she kept her distance as he wondered why. Her tongue was moving with his and he could hear by her sounds that she was turned on, making Deacon frustrated for a moment before her realized this was their second date. Was it even a date? He didn’t come here to have sex with her, but her body over his was making him want to.

Deacon moved them so he was on top of her, draping himself lightly over her body as he looked into her eyes. They were hazy with desire and something else that held him back for a moment, panting as he felt his lust come in waves. “Rowan?”

“I want you so much but I can’t tonight.” Her voice was low and tormented as she spoke, taking gasps of air as he looked down her body slowly.

“It’s fast. I don’t want it to happen like this.” Deacon assured her, watching her close her eyes slowly. “Want me to stop completely?”

“No. I want to kiss you.” Rowan spoke up as her eyes popped back open, watching as he leaned down to kiss her jaw slowly. “Don’t stop.”

They stayed back there kissing and touching for a while, making it to the point where her tank top was off and he was kissing her over the straps of the thin camisole that left little to the imagination. Deacon looked at her in between open mouth kisses, seeing all of her in the thin material and wanting her even more. She was beautiful and he ran his hands down her body to brush against the sides of her full breasts as she shivered under him, opening her eyes to look down at him. She ran her hands fiercely through his hair as he groaned, thumbing her nipples gently. He moved down her body to slide the top down and take one of her deep pink nipples into his mouth as she cried out loudly and arched her back. He could smell her sweet perfume as he tasted her skin, making him harder as she held on tightly to his head. Deacon sucked harder, drawing the skin between his teeth as she jumped under him. “Are you okay?” He asked her instantly, looking up to see her staring at him.

“So sensitive. I’m sorry.” She apologized, watching Deacon as something crossed his face. He moved away from her momentarily, resting against the pile of pillows as he drew her into his arms, half-naked and shivering. Her face was relaxed with need and her eyes shone brightly against the dim light of the amber lamp in the corner as she regarded him quietly. “There’s something that I need to tell you.” Deacon remained quiet, stroking her soft skin as he gazed at her with gentle eyes. “For one, I’ve never wanted someone the way I want you after such a short time.”

“Nor have I.” He replied, watching her eyes fill with emotion as he found her hair to stroke it slowly.

“Oh, Deacon. I wish we’d have met just a few months before this. It would be so much easier.” Rowan told him, her eyes filling with tears.