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Filling up the Virgin(198)

By:Amy Brent

Chapter four

I sat there with my hands in my lap smelling the leather and looking at the lit up dials. He got in and gave me that knowing smile that had me crossing my legs to cause a little bit of friction in between.

“I have no idea why you are even interested in someone like me. I think you know that I’m not like all the other girls.” He drove away from the curb, but he did not press down on the accelerator to make some sort of statement with a black streak behind us. He was very careful. I was sure that the friend that he had borrowed it from told him that he better not scratch it or there would be hell to pay.

“That’s precisely the reason why I was so enamored from the moment that I saw you at the gala in my honor. That feeling was much too strong to ignore and I needed to be by your side. Being next to you was far better than any of those that were kissing my ass all night long. You made my heart beat like never before. I don’t want to be here if I can’t be with you. I hope you know that I’m being genuine and not just spouting these things to get into your pants.”

He breezed through traffic and then we came to what I thought was a fancy restaurant. He didn’t slow down, until he was on the outskirts of town. He got out and went around to the other side and offered me his hand.

He led me down to a beach where there was a table and two chairs situated in the sand. Two dishes steaming on the top was waiting for us to consume. I sat down with the sand between my bare toes. The moonlight and the candlelight were making this romantic atmosphere that would have most people thinking that this must be love.

There was tiki torches lit around the table with the flames being buffeted by the wind trying to put it out. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I decided to go with a surf and turf.” The steak was medium rare and the lobster tail had already been cracked down the middle with a delicious garlic sauce that melted in my mouth. The waves crashing against the shore not more than a few feet away from us was the only melodic sound that we needed.

“I’m sure that this has worked in the past with other girls. I appreciate the effort, but I’ve never gone into that romantic stuff.” He stopped drinking from his wineglass long enough to put my mind at ease.

“I can honestly say that I have never done anything like this for anybody else. I’ve always taken them to fancy restaurant, wooed them with fine dishes that were made by chefs with four star ratings. I would shower them with gifts, but with you I knew that a simpler touch would be in order.”

We were soon walking in moonlight and he was pulling me close. His hand was in my own and his fingers danced along my fingertips with feather like touches. “I have to tell you, Felicity that I will never take you for granted. I probably shouldn’t have done what I did at the gala, but I didn’t want to take the chance of losing you.” I lifted my face towards him and he put his hand on the back of my neck. I knew that he was going to kiss me, but what he didn’t know was this was my measuring stick to see if he was the man that I wanted him to be.

I could tell how he would be in bed by how he kissed me. His lips touched me softly and the tip of his tongue just came out for a brief moment before extracting. Our mouths opened and we devoured each other with him lowering me to the sand. I felt his fingers at the zipper of the dress and then I heard the metallic click of each track.

He unbuttoned his shirt, a cobalt blue distinguishable custom made designer original. He did make for a pretty picture, but it was what was underneath the wrapping that I was more interested in. He pulled his shirt over his broad shoulders and showed me the muscular definition of his arms and his entire body down to the waist.

He buried his head in my neck; licking in circles and making me close my eyes to the pressure of his loins against me. The dress was over my shoulders and then he pulled it down with his eager hands to find my swelling bosom. I wasn’t sure if I could count on him for a long-term commitment, but that was the furthest thing from my mind.

I probably could have disengaged and walked away with my shoes in my hands, but this was like a fantasy that I had never had come to life.

“I need to remind you that I’m not after a one night stand. I love the way that your tongue feels on my body and the look in your eyes tells me that I shouldn’t have anything to worry about. I want to believe that what I’m seeing is real, but I’ve been burned in the past.” His tongue was igniting my body. He slid it down into my cleavage, popping my nipples into his mouth and making me cry out to any wild life that might be in the vicinity to hear it.

He stood up, unzipping his pants with confident fingers and then pulling that and his underwear down in one fluid motion. It was a hypnotic sight that had me reaching out to grab him in a not so subtle way.