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Filling up the Virgin(197)

By:Amy Brent

The guy finished dancing and thankfully he didn’t take off that little piece of material that left very little to the imagination. He turned with a card in his mouth. I hesitantly and giggling grabbed it from between his teeth.

The note on the card said that I should be ready at 7:00 PM. I couldn’t believe the gall on this guy. He must’ve had a pair of balls the size of grapefruits. At the very least, I could meet him and tell him off for making me feel uncomfortable. There was also a name of a very exclusive boutique. I looked down at my phone after hearing a text message to find that he had somehow gotten my number. With his kind of money, I’m sure that it was child’s play. It said that there was an account in my name at that boutique. I could use it at my discretion.

“I can’t believe that he is actually offering you the chance to shop at one of the most expensive places in the city. This place caters to only the elite and you can now be part of that small clientele.” I wasn’t sure that I was going to go, but she didn’t have to twist my arm that much.

“I know that you would probably jump him, but I’m not that easy. I need to be sure that he’s the right man and that he’s not just going to walk out after the deed is done. I’m not going to say that what he did to me didn’t matter, because I would be lying. If he had continued, I’m sure that I would have fainted from the sheer pleasure. Wouldn’t I make a pretty sight with my panties pulled to the side and some paramedic giving me mouth to mouth resuscitation?”

“I can think of far worse ways to go than by the pleasure of another. I don’t think that we should wait around. That boutique is calling our name.” I should have realized that she had an ulterior motive for joining me. The very idea of stepping through those doors of that boutique was weighing heavily on my mind. I imagined what some of those creations would look like on my body. I’d seen a particular dress in pure white with an accent of black that had me stopping every so often to admire it in the window.

The place wasn’t that far away from where we lived. We could practically walk to its doorsteps. We called ahead and told them that we were coming and that we needed the place opened after hours. They were reluctant, but when I told them that Jason was sending me, they were ready to bend over backwards to please me.

“I want to welcome the both of you to my shop. If there is anything that you need help with by all means ask. I’m sure that we have something that will fit the style of just about any one. May I suggest that you think outside the box? Open yourself up to new experiences.” Her name tag said that she was Veronica and apparently she was the proprietor of this establishment. “Jason has been a very good friend. I’ve always admired the man, the myth and the legend. Most people don’t know this about him, but he’s really just a teddy bear.” I don’t know if she would’ve said the same thing had she experienced his eager hands on her body like I had.

“I’ve had my eye on that particular piece showcased in your window” She got this look on her face and then she went to retrieve it in my size. She presented it like an offering from the gods above. “I don’t know if I’m worthy of wearing something like this.” That wasn’t going to stop me from trying it on and feeling it next to my skin.

It became a montage of different dresses and styles that was befitting a woman of character and sophistication. There were those that had me looking at myself and shaking my head in disbelief that I would even consider wearing such a thing. I kept coming back to that pure white dress with the black accent down the sides. The plunging neckline and the very high hemline were making me bitterly aware of how my body would be perceived in something like this. The zipper down the back was easy access and I could already imagine Jason’s fingers pulling it down very slowly with my heart in my throat.

When we left there, we had bought several different things including shoes to complement the outfit. I had no idea what anything cost. There were no price tags. The only thing that made me aware that all of this must have cost a fortune was the dollar signs in Veronica’s eyes.

I stepped out of the shop and we walked down to my apartment building. I was about to go in with her, when Jason showed up in a fancy red sports car that was crying out as a phallic symbol. I’d already felt what he had in his pants. He did not need this fancy sports car to make up for any shortcoming.

“I see that you decided to wear the dress of your choice. I have reservations for seven.” He didn’t give me a chance to say anything, before he put his hand on the small of my back and led me over to the passenger side door. “I borrowed this from a friend. I’m usually not into anything that goes fast. I thought that it would make a good first impression.” Had I known anything about cars, I probably would’ve been in awe, but those things really didn’t enter into my train of thought.