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Filling up the Virgin(195)

By:Amy Brent

He caught me in the kitchen and pinned me up against the cold refrigerator against my ass. The heat of his loins and the feel of that ice cold behind me was a perfect contrast. He had short blond hair and the bluest eyes that I had ever seen on a man. They shone with a glaring brightness that made me almost powerless to resist him.

“I want you to know that I have patience, but it is wearing thin. I’ve never had to work this much to get into a woman’s pants. I kind of find it a challenge. You have laid down the gauntlet and have dared me to pick it up.” I was about to say something, but my open mouth was an obvious invitation for him to stick his tongue down my throat.

He was easily over 250 pounds and all of that was solid muscle. There was one very prominent muscle that had made its presence known by growing and unfurling down the left side of his leg. He was used to having everything and the suit that he was wearing had to be custom made from overseas. It was cut perfectly for his physique and I doubt that he bought off the rack.

“Let me make this very clear for you, so that there isn’t any misinterpretation. I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m not going to sleep with you, so you may as well sniff around somebody else.” He was biting his bottom lip. The kiss that he had just given me was making me crave for another bite of this hunk. “You don’t want anything long term and I’m not looking to be a part of your hit and run.” He turned me abruptly. He pushed my hands up against that fridge with his mouth on my neck and causing all of these Goosebumps to appear.

The simple fact was that I hadn’t had the company of a man in quite some time. Five months was a long time to go without the feeling of flesh on flesh.

“I don’t think that you mean a word of what you’re saying. You could’ve easily pushed me away, but I’ve been getting the signals all night. You can say one thing, but your body is certainly saying something else. You can feel how excited I am and all you have to do is take a hold of it.” I thought that he was kidding, but then he grabbed my hand with an insistence and then had me placing it up against his crotch.

The hot breath on my back was replaced with that same hot breath on the inside of my thigh. I looked down to see that he had gotten down on his knees. One of the other waitresses came in and made a gasp of surprise before turning around and going back out the same way she came. I really didn’t know her name and I think it started with a T or an F.

“This is…not appropriate. Please stand up…before I get into…yes…oh my god… any trouble.” He was moving that tongue up under my skirt, which he had grabbed with his hand and had pulled up over my ample posterior.

“I love the ones that think that they can resist my charms. You’ve obviously had a rough life and I can make it better with the snap of my fingers. Just give into your natural desire. I can make it worth your while.” My eyes went wide with the implications of being treated like some sort of prostitute. “I love your taste and I want more of it. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but then he stuck three fingers inside me.

“Damn it…yes…work it…work that hole you son of a bitch.” My ass was arched and right in his face where he wanted it to be. He stuck his tongue inside with his finger spreading me out. I was saturated with the sound of this squelching had him banging my little kitty over and over again with those fingers. By the time that he was done, I was not going to be able to walk straight. I would hobble like I’d been on a horse.

“I love how responsive you can be, Felicity.” I had no idea how he could know my name, but then I remembered that I was wearing a name tag. “Your name is perfect for screaming in the middle of the night with your body coming unglued underneath me. The sheets will be torn asunder and your body will be mine for the taking. Can you honestly say that this is not something that you want? Can you honestly say that with a straight face and mean it?”

I didn’t want to rush into anything too soon, but he was making a valid argument for the contrary. I wanted to be the one to pick the time and the place, but he was taking the control out of my hands. “I don’t know how to tell you this, Jason. You fucked me so good with those fingers that I’m now thinking about what it would be like with another part of your anatomy.” I heard him unzip and I saw him fisting his organ. His fingers were moving up and down the length and the leakage from the top told me that this was his excitement and his arousal showing through.

“I want you to let it go. I want you to cum and to paint brush my face with that beautiful ass of yours.” His fingers were digging in to the pliant flesh and then his tongue began to play a symphony over my clit. I was soon singing another tune. I was trying to prevent it from happening, but it was an effort in futility.