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Filling up the Virgin(180)

By:Amy Brent

It was the definition of her spine and the contour of the small of her back not to mention the soft cushion of her ass that had the desired effect. He was rock hard. He really didn’t believe that he had ever been this hard in his life. It was like all the blood from the rest of his body had now joined in on the action.

“You have the type of loving that I’ve been looking for all of my life, Payton. Give in to that need to fill me with your seed and make me feel every single spurt. I want it and there’s no way that you are going to hold on to something that belongs to me.” She came again and she had lost count of how many times she had rounded that mountain to the other side. She was splayed out there on top of the coffee table making quite the sight.

“Oh fuck it… I don’t think that I could hold back, even if I…wanted to…YESSSSSSS.” That creamy essence that he had been storing up had come out of him with an onrush that caught him by surprise. He grunted and moaned, digging his fingers into the pliant flesh of Josie’s ample exterior. She was not like any other woman. He figured that she was only more to handle. He had never been into bigger girls, but Josie was slowly changing his mind in a big way. She was irresistible and there was no way that he could stop himself from claiming her, as his own.

The liquor continued to flow and they found themselves acting out of character. Nobody could stop them from doing these insane things and most often than not, the people that saw them acting this way was only fueling the fire by encouraging them.

Chapter four

They both awoke on a heart shaped bed with red silk sheets draping them. She had her head on his chest and he was lying there completely satiated and unable to voice his pleasure. His mouth felt like he had cotton balls in it and then he slowly raised her enough that he was able to climb out from underneath her.

He sat on the edge of the bed with his hands up to his face. This was one bender that he would never forget. He turned to see Josie lying there with the lower half of her body exposed. He touched her bare thigh and heard her squeal of delight. He was tempted to wake her up in a different fashion, but decided that last night was more than enough to keep them both satisfied for quite some time.

He hovered over her, took her hand and kissed each individual finger, until his eyes came wide with surprise at seeing the rock on her finger. It was a huge diamond and then in a flash of memory he remembered walking down the aisle like some drunken person wearing a cheesy white tuxedo that barely fit him. He saw that same tuxedo lying on the floor and that was when he came to the painful conclusion that they were now linked by not only their physical desire, but by the legal hand of god.

“What is wrong with you? You look like you have seen…what the hell is that on my finger? No fucking way. We did not get married last night. Almighty god… This has to be the biggest mistake of my life. I never wanted more than just this one time and I hope that you didn’t think that I did any of this on purpose.” She grabbed for her clothes which were easy to find in a line going down the stairs of the penthouse suite. “I can’t believe that we did something, as foolish and cliché as getting married. That only happens in the movies.” She stopped with her pink pair of panties in her hands. They weren’t even the same ones that she was wearing when she met him.

“Um, I seem to recall that we stopped off at this boutique and did some window shopping. I think that even Victoria secret had a few things that were to your liking. I remember using my credit card and feeling your lipstick that you just bought planted on my mouth.” Payton was still naked and his junk was swinging back and forth between his legs. He was not ashamed of how he looked. He didn’t give a damn if this made anybody uncomfortable. “You don’t have to leave right away. I do need a way to get in contact with you, so that we can dissolve this marriage.” He didn’t want to be that blunt, but he had no aspirations to have that ball and chain around his ankle.

“Trust me, I want this done and over with, as much as you do. We were only meant to have a wild time together and then go our separate ways. I don’t think that anything has changed.” She looked at him to make sure that he hadn’t fallen head over heels. He was shaking his head and she took that, as confirmation that this was any ill conceived idea that they had come up with under the influence of the alcohol. “I have to go, but I’ve left you my cell phone number.” She scribbled it down on a pad by the telephone. She stopped momentarily to look at the view of the city from the balcony.

Payton wanted to say something more, but wasn’t sure how to say what was on his mind. He was worried that he would do something that would make her hate him. For whatever reason, he didn’t want that to happen. She was at the door about to do the walk of shame with her hair in disarray in a way that anybody would know that she had spent the night in the company of a stranger.