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Filling up the Virgin(177)

By:Amy Brent

Chapter three

“I think that I should start with making you feel happy. It has always been my personal belief that if a man can master the oral that women will do practically anything he wants.” She had her hands on his shoulders and he could feel her long fingernails digging into his skin. His shirt was open. For the first time, he had no idea how she had done that without him noticing. “You look absolutely delicious and I’m one man that is famished.” He once again drank from the liquid encouragement and then allowed her to do the same thing.

“I have to warn you that champagne goes to my head. I get a little crazy.” She had always been the kind of girl that would dance on the tabletop and do those crazy things that you would see young nubile bodies doing on spring break. She was always the first to volunteer her services for the wet tee shirt contest.

“That’s very good to know, Josie.” They had a moment to converse, but they really didn’t know anything more than their first names. It was enough and their bodies were now doing the talking for them. “I think that I have made you wait long enough. I told you that I was hungry, but it has nothing to do with food.” He wasn’t going to throw away the opportunity to have this young piece.

“Don’t just say what you’re going to do and just… DOOOOOOOO.” Her voice rose considerably and she bit into her tongue to make sure that those on the outside didn’t hear her. She felt something cold and knew from what he had already done that he was duplicating the action down below. The jarring sensation tickled her clit and then he compounded the issue with his hot mouth enveloping that tiny little nub.

Payton looked up and saw this woman with her eyes half closed and knew that it was only a matter of time before he sank every single inch into her more than willing body. He needed to pave the way and the only way that he knew how to do that was with his fingers. He peeled open the petals of her sex, seeing that she was wet to the touch and finding that her nectar was from the gods themselves. He had his fair share of going down on women, but Josie had a certain flavor that was better than all the others.

Payton had become obsessed and became like a ravenous animal that had its leash taken off. His tongue was invading her personal space. He had his hands on her ass keeping her plastered against his mouth and the eagerness of his fingers stirring up her libido. He had to admit that it was doing wonders for his. His hardness was literally drumming to its own beat inside his pants. He liked having her this way and knowing that those on the other side were oblivious to what was going on behind closed doors. The music was loud and anything that they did inside this room would be masked by the crowd getting into the beat at the time.

He slapped her cheeks and heard the echo of the crack like music to his ears. He did that a few times. He heard her gasp with a certain pleasure that came with a mixture of pain. He had three fingers deeply inside of her, enclosed by her heat and muscles that were now making him think about what it would feel like to plunge deep between her legs.

Josie had taken a page from his book, grabbing onto the bottle of champagne and downing half of it in one swallow. Things were getting crazy and there was no need for this to ever end. She wanted to take off her clothes and let him bend her to his will. It was going to get rough and she was going to make him do it right the first time. She was going to tell him what she liked and be damned the consequences of trying to lead him by the hand. “I want you to spin me around and then I will bend over and let you kiss my ass.” She felt his huge body move her around with ease, until she was standing once again, but with her ass up against his face. She bent at an angle and looked at where he was now holding her open and stabbing her repeatedly with the long angle of his tongue.

“I hope that you’re ready for my kind of tough love.” Payton had no regrets about his life. The millions that he was already getting from his contract with the sharks paled in comparison to his investment portfolio. He had billions and this was a secret that he had never revealed to any one. He really didn’t need the contract to be that lucrative, but he wasn’t about to roll over and play dead like some sort of dog. He allowed those that worked for him to work out the details. He would’ve probably accepted anything to play the sport that he loved, but his agent was dead set on making it something legendary.

The feel of his fingers slipping in and out of her was amazing. She wanted it to continue for, as long as possible. She was close to having that moment and watching his eager face and the way that he was enjoying himself was too much. She actually enjoyed watching him, more than she did feeling his fingers and it was the combination of both of those things that took her over the top. “I’m ready for it… God damn… I’ve been ready for it from the moment that I saw you from across the room.” Her legs were shaky with her knees knocking. It was a wonder that she didn’t just face plant into the glass coffee table in front of her.