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Filling up the Virgin(173)

By:Amy Brent

“Well Raymond, who is this.” Lila glanced over at Miss Margie who had chimed in on this new addition to the group.

He cleared his throat, as he slowly detangled himself from her. “This is Melanie Shaw. She was just leaving.” He moved then gesturing her back towards the car which she didn’t do. Instead, she gave a tinkle of a laugh and Lila knew that infuriated him even more.

“Don’t be so formal sweetheart.” The blond turned to face his mother. “I am his fiancé, and you must be his mother.” She held out her hand to the older woman and Lila noticed the ring on her finger. Only then did she let her eyes flicker up and meet his own.

“No, she is not. As a matter of fact, you aren’t anything to me anymore and I’d appreciate it if you left.”

She saw the anger there, and the defeat. Before the situation got any more out of hand, she turned to go back inside. No, she would not deal with this right now. She made her way into the bedroom and only then did she lay down and take a breather. Somehow she managed to fall asleep, her heart in pieces.

When she woke the stillness of the house left her feeling empty. He was gone, and he was getting married. She had never asked him, never thought about it. She sat up silently trying to sort through the heartache she was feeling. Glancing at the clock she knew she needed to go see Miss Margie, it was time for her meds.

She went through the motions for almost a week before she let herself really feel what she already knew. She had fallen in love with him, and he had simply left. Despite his words the sting of his reject hurt more than she wanted to admit to anyone around her. Work was the only thing to keep her busy, and she found more and more of it to occupy her time. She volunteered to take on another patient nearby, which kept her traveling between both houses.

Miss Margie knew something was wrong, but every time she tried to talk to her, Lila changed the subject, carefully avoiding any talk about Ray at all. The days became weeks and Lila did her best to keep working. She knew she had taken on too much, and she was always tired. She made her way into the garden one night as the sun was setting and she settled in to her favorite spot to watch. Just the sun setting seemed to be enough to make her emotional these days. She cried for no real reason at all, and for Ray. He hadn’t even tried to call her; he hadn’t tried anything at all.

The morning came and she did her best to drag herself out of bed but she knew she was sick. She called Miss Jeannie and after some discussion she rolled over and snuggled even deeper into the comforter. What she needed was rest, something she’d had very little as of late. By the afternoon she felt a little better and it only confirmed her need for rest. When she woke the next morning feeling the same way she knew she was in trouble.

On one particular day she decided to take a nap, something she was doing more and more of these days. She woke and the sun was setting. She knew he was there, but she didn’t want to face him just yet. Somehow he already knew she was awake.

“I know how you sleep Lila, and I know you're awake. I need you to sit up so I can talk to you… please.”

She sat up carefully, checking her eyes to make sure they were still wet from her tears. She turned to face him. He was sitting there on the chair by the bed, unmoving.

“You don’t owe me anything Ray, really.” She let her eyes meet his.

“Actually, I do. I want to tell you the truth and try and understand.”

“Its fine Ray, I don’t need to understand.” She moved to walk past him but he stopped her his face close to hers.

She let her eyes meet his. “Why are you doing this Ray?”

“You are so beautiful Lila, I’ve missed you.” He pulled her into a hug and despite her reservations she let his arms wrap around her in comfort.

She pulled away slowly, feeling her stomach doing flip flops of another kind. She took a deep breath. “You can’t do this ray, just leave for weeks and then come back and tell me I’m pretty again and think everything is ok.” She pressed her fingers against her temples.

“It’s not like that Lila, not at all. Just let me explain.”

She nodded, unable to speak as a wave of nausea rolled over her.

“I was engaged to her, a long time ago. We drifted apart and I found out she was stealing money from me, and sleeping with a hotel manager. I caught them, and I ended it. Sadly, I broke the guy up pretty good when I found them. He is pressing charges and I had to go back to New York to get them dropped. My lawyer had sent me here for a few weeks until the situation was resolved. I knew if I played along she would go back home with me, and I was right. I called the police and they came and got her, only then did we realize how many times she has done this before. She’s gone, Lila for a good long time.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I just couldn’t tell you until it was over, but trust me being gone has killed me, and I’ve thought about you every day.”