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Filling up the Virgin(163)

By:Amy Brent

Cole slipped his arms around Amanda's waist.

She stepped away, pulling his hands off of her. “Not tonight.”

“Why not?”

“Because, I want to wait.”

“Wait for what?” Cole frowned in confusion.

“Until next week. Just...please? I want to wait.”

“All right.” Cole held back a sigh of frustration. He supposed she wanted to prove that their relationship was about something more than just sex. He could respect that.

She walked him to the door, where they shared a long and intimate kiss. Then he headed home, filled with sexual frustration, but also with hope for the future. He might be leaving her tonight, but he knew he would be back, and soon, everything would be the way it was supposed to be.

Chapter 13

Over the next few weeks, Amanda almost felt like she was in a real relationship. Cole was only in town a couple of days each week, but even if he couldn't be there for long, he flew out in order to spend time with her and James. Some nights, after they put James to bed, they made love long into the night. James even seemed to get used to the idea of Cole being there in the morning when he woke up.

Cole spoiled James each time he came to visit. He brought clothes, toys, and books. On the third visit, he brought James a bicycle. James was so excited that he made them take him outside right away so he could start learning to ride it. He wobbled a lot, but the training wheels helped him stay upright.

When James's birthday was approaching, Cole asked Amanda, “Can we do something for his birthday? I was thinking of a party at my parents' house.”

They were sitting in the kitchen, talking over a couple of cups of coffee. James was in the other room, reading some of his new storybooks. This was the first time Cole had asked about doing something with his family. And it made Amanda realize they were finally at a serious crossroads.

“You want to introduce him to your parents?” she asked.

“Well, yeah.” Cole shrugged. “I mean, they're his grandparents.”

“Right.” Amanda tapped her fingers against her coffee cup, thinking it over. She knew this was a step they needed to take if this relationship was ever going to work. It would be the big test. If Cole could really introduce James to his grandparents, it would mean he was really taking responsibility for his son. Making him a part of the family.

If they could do that, Amanda realized, it would mean that all of this was finally real. She wouldn't just be the girl Cole was sleeping with. He would be declaring to everyone that he was a father, and that would be the greatest gesture he could make.

“It sounds like a great idea,” she said.

They worked out all of the details, though before the party itself, Amanda insisted that they bring James to meet his grandparents first. Cole made arrangements for them to have lunch at his parents' house, and they drove down together one afternoon. Amanda made sure to dress James up in his best clothes, in order to make a good impression. Cole's parents had briefly met James at the wedding, but this was something different altogether.

Cole's parents greeted them warmly at the door. His mother gave Amanda a big hug, talking about how much she had grown up over the years. Aside from the wedding, Amanda hadn't seen them much since the days when she and Michelle used to hang out in high school.

They sat together in the living room, eating a simple lunch of sandwiches and finger food. They made small talk for a while, while Amanda tried to figure out how to bring up the subject they'd really come there to discuss.

“So,” Cole's mother said, “Michelle tells us that you two have been seeing a lot of each other lately.”

Amanda blushed and looked at Cole, meeting his eyes. She hadn't realized that Michelle had been talking about them to her parents. “Yeah,” Amanda said. “Things have been...going well.”

“I always liked you, Amanda,” Cole's mother said. “You're such a sweet girl. So down to earth. I think that's exactly what Cole needs.”

Amanda's blush deepened. “Well, thank you. I'm glad to hear it.”

Cole's father looked her up and down with a stern gaze. “I hate to be the sour grape in this conversation,” he said, “but I'm afraid I have to point out that I'm not sure it's appropriate for our son to be dating a woman who already has a child.”

“Dad,” Cole said, giving him a stern look.

His father held up a hand. “I'm not trying to make any accusations or anything. But it has to be said.” He looked at Amanda. “Cole makes quite a lot of money, I'm sure you know that. Now, I'm not saying you'd get involved with him just because of that, but I'm sure that it's crossed your mind that getting your hooks in someone like him would mean quite an easy life for you and your son.”