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Filling up the Virgin(140)

By:Amy Brent

“Goodness gracious Lacey is this about your weight? Don’t you think it’s time you let that go? Sure, you’re a curvy, beautiful girl. Rafe doesn’t care, if he did, he wouldn’t have taken that step in the first place. Don’t let your insecurities keep you from trying. As for his wife, I don’t know what the deal is with that situation.”

“Yeah, well…” Lacey smiled at her mom. “I love you mom, but I need some time, a trip I think. Will you be ok? Nothing crazy just a few days?”

Alice sighed. “Running won’t help but if it’s what you want I’ll be fine Lacey; some solitude will be good for me too I suppose.”

Lacey heard voices upstairs and felt the ache deep down once more. She tossed her apron on the counter hugging her mother close before she moved into the living room and outside to her waiting car.


“I told you to leave me alone, Rachel and I meant it, what the hell are you doing here?”

“I came to see if you have gotten over yourself and are ready to talk about us?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

He was once more reminded of why things had fallen apart. She was a viper, and a hateful one at that. She smiled at him moved in front of him, running her hands up his chest making him sick.

“No Rachel, there is no “us” I told you that when I found you in bed with my friend. I’ve already got the paperwork ready, just sign the damn thing already.”

“Rafe, don’t be ridiculous, what would you do without me. Not to mention there is all the money to think of.”

He hated her, and everything she stood for. Marrying her had been a fool's move and he had regretted it almost instantly. She had painted a picture of a happy home, all the while spending his savings and then borrowing more money from a shark in uptown. Charging it to him of course.”

He was paying it back, but it was taking forever, and what he really wanted to was to be rid of the entire situation.

“I’m paying Louie back Rachel; I don’t have to be married to you to do it.”

“That’s true Rafey, but I take him the money, keeping you safe. If you don’t have me then they will know who got the money in the first place.”

“I don’t care anymore, Rachel, just tell them.” He was serious and he waited, watching the expression on her face change as she finally started to believe him.

“You don’t mean that, Rafe.” She swallowed hard.

“Yes, I do, besides, I never saw any of that money, it was you’re doing not mine. I’m paying it off because somewhere along the twisted path you and I have been on I loved you once.”

“You love me now Rafe, I know you do.” She moved to touch him one more and he grabbed her wrists before she had a chance to take it any further.

“No Rachel, I don’t. Go home.” I love someone else. He felt it but wouldn’t hurt her unnecessarily.

When she was gone, he thought hard about why may happen when she did tell them where he was. She wasn’t lying when she said she was keeping him safe, in fact, she had likely kept him alive. Now, however, he wanted more… and wanted it with someone else. He felt something stir deep down as he thought of Lacey, and the look on her face when Alice said his wife was there. She had been hurt there was no masking that.

Without looking he heard the slam of the front door as she left, followed closely by the squeal of tires as she flew out of the driveway and down the street. It was complicated but he had faith, it would all work itself out, and he would take the next big step… talking to Lacey. He made his way downstairs, carefully glancing around the room until he heard a shuffle from the kitchen. He made his way inside, knowing that regardless of who he would find there… he would face the music.

Alice was sitting at the bar, glass in hand, waiting for him. “Come on in Rafe, come eat with me.”

It was more of a request and less of a question. He moved into the room slowly, waiting for her reaction. Even at 17 he knew better than to push his luck with his step-mother. He settled into the chair across from her.

“I’m sorry Alice, about Rachel. It’s not what you think… not even close.”

“I’m less concerned about Rachel than I am about Lacey, Rafe. How could you let things get out of control?

He sighed loudly. “I don’t know how any of this happened Alice. I never meant to…” He trailed off.

“Well, you did, and now she is as much a mess as you are.” She sipped from her glass looking out the window. “I thought your relationship was more brother and sister, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised by all of this Rafe.”