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Filling up the Virgin(130)

By:Amy Brent

She noticed something in the corner, realizing that she’d set up alerts for news on the team so she could keep up. Holly clicked on the banner and read down as the news scroll opened as her stomach dropped at one of the headlines. She clicked one more time to read further, scanning the gossip column about Aaron and his new girlfriend. They were pictured together walking into a restaurant and even with the way the woman was blocking her face, Holly could tell that she was beautiful. More noticeably, he didn’t look as angry and she realized that he must have found someone that made him happy.

That would make it easier to announce the pregnancy she could no longer hide. Maybe he wouldn’t even care and she could just plan her time off in advance with an agreeable boss. Tanner worked well enough to work on his own for a little while during her maternity leave and everything would be fine if he just went along with it. She closed that story, wondering if the woman had met his family and if they were serious. She was jealous of the fact that she was getting Aaron at night in bed, still missing sex very much. Even in the harder times, Holly couldn’t bring herself to meet anyone. The players that she spent time with made it difficult anyway, making her wonder if she ever looked like one of their girlfriends. It wasn’t a bad thing in the end.

The following day as she got ready for work, Holly sighed and pulled a fitted shirt over her pants. Now it was clear that she was pregnant and she needed to be a big girl about it. There was a game and it would be a major way to announce it, but screw it. She was ready. She grabbed her team jacket before she left, knowing that Lisa would be sitting in one of her seats to watch Walter. They had made things official now and she was at every game that she could get to. Holly chose to walk tonight since it was so nice and brisk out and the girls lived pretty close by when she wasn’t exhausted. There were throngs of people in the streets and she smiled as she ducked through them, telling herself that everything would be fine. Aaron had moved on and so could she. Someday.

Holly made her way to the therapy room as people stopped her to congratulate her, making her blush. Tanner had already known and he grinned at her as she walked in. “Is everyone shocked?”

“It would seem so.” Holly replied, laughing as she glanced around. “I guess since I know it’s a girl, there’s no reason to hide it anymore.”

“Congratulations!” Tanner told her, giving her a hug as she smiled. He also believed that she’d been dumped and that there was no father in the picture. “He’s missing out.”

“Yeah, he is.” Holly agreed solemnly as she glanced at the clock. They needed to get out to the ice and she slipped the jacket over her arms before they walked out with the team, hooting along with them as they took the ice while Tanner took a protective stance with her.

“You’ll have to be careful, Holly. These guys can do some damage.” She smiled, having already seen that side of them a few times. They stood off to the right while the crowd screamed for their team, her arms by her side and her stomach on full display. She glanced at the bench, seeing Aaron and the coaches talking closely as she watched as the baby moved. He looked out onto the ice and she let her eyes drift away, letting him go in her mind even if her heart held on tight.

They won another game, making things look really good for finals as Tanner and Holly hugged each other. “This is awesome. We’re totally going to get the cup!” Tanner said as she giggled and held on to him for a moment. “We have to go out tonight. There is celebrating to be done.”

“Sure thing.” Holly agreed as she pulled away and called out to the team. The ones that were seeing her for the first time took second looks as they congratulated her and she waved them off with a smile.

Holly knew that they were all good as she walked slowly back to her room to meet Tanner, who went to meet with the doctors for a moment. “Holly!” The voice was sharp and angry, making her cringe as she knew that it was Aaron. “Stop.”

She paused and turned around, seeing the fire in his eyes. “What?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were pregnant?” He walked right up to her and backed her into the wall as she gasped. “This looks pretty far along and I can do the fucking math.”

“It’s not your problem, Mr. Neller. I’ll be taking a few months off when I deliver and that is all that matters to you.” Holly informed him as his face dropped.

“Were you fucking someone else when we were together? There’s no chance this is mine?” Aaron demanded softly, making her look around in panic.