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Filling up the Virgin(13)

By:Amy Brent

“Okay,” I replied as I kicked the dress aside and moved to sit on the bed. I was wearing my bra and underwear, and in the past, I’d be embarrassed but not now. Not anymore. I’d be comfortable in my own skin near anybody now, even though they’re the only ones I wanted.

“We could give a woman anything, Polly. We’ve just never chosen to in the past,” Braden said as I met his eyes. “You’re different. We want to offer you everything, starting with an intern position at the publishing company we own until you graduate. After that, you’ll be an editor, the head of that staff.” I widened my eyes as him as I felt someone move behind me. Declan wrapped his arms around my waist, and I felt his bare skin against mine.

“A job?” They owned one of the most successful publishing companies in the city, and it would be a good name on my resume.

“There’s more,” Declan said behind me as he pulled me against him and unhooked my bra over my chest slowly. “We’re buying a place here in the city, a brownstone that’s located near the business. We want you to move in with us so you can relax and finish school before you start working.”

“What else?” I asked breathlessly as I felt his lips on my neck. My legs were parted as Braden leaned forward just as Declan pulled me back. Everything was so fluid with us, and I moaned as Braden’s tongue stroked my pussy slowly.

“We want you to be ours,” Declan said, his breath hot against my neck. “Both of ours.” His hands covered my breasts and cupped them firmly as I spread my legs to offer Braden more.

“All of us? Together?” I whispered as my body eased towards a release.

“Yes. It’s not common, but it will work with us. You’re perfect for the both of us, Polly. You make us both happy.” I smiled at Declan’s words as I looked down at his brother between my legs, knowing that I was happy too. Was happy even the word to use when I was moving in with two brothers?

There was a feeling of celebration once I’d accepted their offer and Braden took me on my knees as I had Declan in my mouth. My ass was red from the new paddle, and I came harder than ever before, knowing that they were mine.

We lay in bed afterward, talking about the apartment. It was big in true Michaels style, taking up an entire floor to itself on the sixteenth floor. It had five bedrooms and a spacious living room with a fireplace and all the luxuries that I could possibly want. It sounded beautiful, and I kissed them both as I smiled. “Are you sure?” I asked as they laughed.

“We’ve never been surer of anything in our life.” It was Declan speaking, but I knew that they both felt that way. I knew they were close from the first night we met, sharing much more than blood. They shared life and interests, businesses and a fortune. They shared me.

“And us…what if this ends at some time? What will happen?” I asked hesitantly as I snuggled against both.

“I don’t think it will,” Braden told me as I smiled. “But if it should, we’ll be adults about things. We’ll figure it out. I just don’t think it will happen.”

“I love you,” I whispered, finally setting the words free. “Both of you.”

“I love you,” Declan told me, moving between my legs as he kissed me and slipped inside of me. I let him make love to me as I held Braden’s hand tightly, crying out with my intense release before Braden pulled me over his body. It was his turn, and I made love to him, riding him with whimpers and moans as he gripped my ass tightly. Oddly enough, my orgasms with both were so similar, my feelings parallel.

I slept there for the weekend, going to see the apartment on Sunday as I looked around the large space. My apartment would fit inside of it, and there would still be room. It was beautiful. I returned to my apartment Sunday evening and wandered around as I considered giving it up for the new life. I’d not only be with one man but two, together. I wondered what I’d tell people. Nicki knew what we were doing, but this was a bigger step and so soon. She didn’t even live with Rob yet, and they were going on six months. How would she react once I had to tell her what was happening?

I knew that I wasn’t moving right away as the apartment was having renovations done and wouldn’t be ready until Valentine’s Day, a month and a half from now. I had time to mull this over, though I was planning on staying with them in the hotel as much as possible. I just had to figure out how to share this part of my life.


I started staying at the hotel while the apartment was getting fixed up. Everything was moving quickly, and I looked forward to the nights with my men, who were always there with me. We’d fuck until we’d pass out, but there was meaning to it now that we were together. We told one another that we loved each other freely and I felt the intensity of it every time they touched me.