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Filling up the Virgin(12)

By:Amy Brent

The fourth weekend I arrived at the hotel that Friday night, I walked into room service and a bottle of champagne. I raised an eyebrow as I glanced at Braden by the window on the phone and Declan coming in from the bedroom. “What’s all this?”

“We wanted to make it a special night,” Declan told me as I tilted my head at him.

“Okay. What’s the occasion?” I asked as I set my purse down and glanced around. We’d been out to eat several times at some of the best places in the city, so that wasn’t a surprise. It was the intimacy of this meal and the vibe in the air.

“Champagne?” Braden asked as he made a show of popping the cork and pouring the liquid into three heavy glasses. He handed one to his brother and me and paused for a moment before smiling. “Here’s to us.”

“Us,” I repeated as I sipped the bubbly liquid. I thought back to the last few weekends together and picked them apart as Declan got dinner ready for us, remembering kinkier sex than meaningful conversation. Was there anything to celebrate or were they sending me out this way? Perhaps it was over, and they were doing it right. Would they handle the end this way?

The idea choked me up, and I set the glass as I excused myself to use the bathroom. I closed the door and took a deep breath as I tried to figure out what I’d say if they said we were over. I knew that this wasn’t a normal situation by any means, but for us, it seemed to work. I spend time with the brothers alone as well as together, laughing end enjoying myself apart from the addicting sex.

I was falling for them, both of them. I knew it all along from the first night with Declan, even with all the unusual things I’d done with them. The spanking, the stripper, and a ménage were not me, but I was welcoming of it because I loved them. It turned me on for them to see those things and how much they affected me. I was in love with them and realistically, I wouldn’t end up with one of them much less both.

Nicki called me out on this the previous night. We met for drinks at a local bar, and she took one look at me before she accused me of falling for the brothers. I admitted it, and she looked at me sadly as she told me bluntly that it could never work out. That was Nicki’s style, though I usually saw the positive side of her. This was devastatingly honest and probably accurate. I cried for the first time as she hugged me and we talked about how I was going to handle this. I initially wanted to skip the weekend with them, giving myself space but as Friday crept past me, I knew I’d be there.

I put on a black dress with a tight skirt, longer than normal with heels. I’d lost a little weight with the activity with the brothers, and my curves were tighter now. I knew that they were attracted to me and that I didn’t need to change, where I felt uncertain with James. This was refreshing, and I didn’t want it to end.

I dried my eyes and made myself look as normal as possible before returning to the living room. They looked up, and I smiled as I slipped into a chair at the table. “What’s on the menu?”

I watched as Declan slipped a plate of steak and a potato with some vegetables in front of me and looked into my face. “Are you okay?” He asked me worriedly as Braden laughed from the window, on the phone again.

Yeah, of course. Long week,” I brushed off his concern and sipped the champagne that he handed me. He looked over at his brother for a moment and then cut the steak on his own plate. “Are you guys okay?”

“Fine,” he told me as he grinned and looked me over. I shot him a curious glance as I took a bite of the steamed broccoli and chewed slowly.

Braden joined us, and we discussed our weeks as we ate, even though we’d knowingly seen each other on separate occasions. I sometimes wondered if it bothered them that I slept with them on my own and spent time intimately with each one of them. They seemed to be sharing a secret as they looked at one another several times and I longed to know what it was as I kept a calm expression on my face.

When dinner was made, they pushed everything aside, and Braden held out his hand as I smiled at him. “Come, my lady,” he said as my mind went right to the gutter.

“I hope to do that in many ways,” I murmured as he led me to the bedroom, where Declan had candles set around the room as I took a slow look around.

“Oh, you will,” he promised me as his hands slid up my sides, making me shiver.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked as he unbuttoned my dress and slipped it down my legs.

“We’ve been seeing each other for a month now, all of us,” Declan said as he stepped out of the bathroom and I met his gaze. “I can honestly say that’s never been that case with any woman, much less one that we’ve both enjoyed.” He glanced at Braden, and they seemed to share a thought. “We’ve come up with something together that we’d like to discuss with you.”