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Filling up the Virgin(116)

By:Amy Brent

Aaron wasn’t ready to let her go, not yet. They couldn’t out themselves to the world but they could spend time together and get to know each other. He imagined nights spent at his apartment as he closed his eyes and took a slow breath, feeling his stomach growl softly. Food. That might help.

The phone chimed, making him jump as he opened his eyes to see that it was a friend from college congratulating him on the win. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Aaron grunted, staring at it as he waited.

He stilled as the phone rang, displaying her name. “Holly?”

“I can’t believe you just dropped off the face of the earth like that last night. You were a goddamn mess, Aaron.” Her voice was emotional and high and he closed his eyes. “What the hell are you trying to do to me?”

“I don’t know what I was trying to do to myself, Holly. I hated last night…well, the part where I couldn’t do anything more than talk briefly with you. All I wanted to do was go in your room and hold you for a minute, kiss you hello. I had to hold back on all of that and it was harder than anything I’ve ever done.” Aaron told her, getting more confused with every word. “You’ve gotten to me. I don’t know how but something other than hockey has gotten under my skin. I need more of you.”

“I wanted the same, Aaron. You looked so handsome last night and I felt like I was nothing there.” Holly admitted, making him launch into another apology. “It wasn’t as much you as I’d like to let you think. It was me as well. I know that I’m falling for you and I’m scared to death.” Her voice softened as she took a breath. “I know that we shouldn’t be doing this at all.”

“I can’t stop.” Aaron admitted, relief flooding him when she told him the same. “I have to see you.”

“You sound like you’re in bad shape,” Holly noted as he ran a hand through his hair.

“I am. I was an idiot last night and I’m sorry, baby. I can’t do that again.” Aaron couldn’t tell her that enough and she sighed at the other end.

“Would you like some food? I can bring something.”


Aaron was damp from his shower when she knocked at the door, his hair falling into his face in damp chunks as he pulled a shirt on. He’d slid on some worn jeans as well and he brushed his hair back before opening it. “You certainly don’t look as on it as you did at the arena last night.” He let her in, breathing in her scent as she headed into the kitchen.

The smell of the deli sandwiches hit him next and he closed the door slowly as he watched her in her yoga pants. “I guess I don’t. Think the team would be proud now?”

“From what they were saying, I am certain a few of the guys are feeling the same way.” Holly replied, shaking her head as she turned to look at them. “I tell all of my clients what to do for their bodies but some never listen. I guess I wouldn’t either, being just a girl their age.”

“Much smarter and prettier than they are though.” Aaron walked over to the counter, chugging his Gatorade as she watched quietly. “The ones that want to make it will do what they need to do. It’s a tough lesson when you lose everything but it’s not like we’ve only been skating for a couple of years. This is a lifetime dream for most of us.” He set the bottle down and his face sank as he heard himself. “Us.”

“I saw your passion in the sport last night. You are a star up there talking about it, all knowledge and power and sexy as hell. I had a hard time standing still.” Holly assured him, making him gaze at her with curious eyes. “I wanted to climb inside you just to know what it’s like to love something as much as you love hockey.”

“Is that the only reason?” Aaron asked her, watching her flush a deep pink from her chest to her face.

“God, no. I wanted to drag you somewhere and rip that suit off and have my wicked way with you.” Holly told him, her eyes wide with desire as he felt his cock tighten. “I mean…I am still upset with you.”

“I need to eat some of this before I think about that yet, but it’s the best way to make up.” Aaron told her huskily as she blinked slowly, looking fresh and beautiful as he considered skipping lunch. He walked over to her, holding her face as he kissed her softly and thanking anyone he could silently for the chance to do this again. Hell, he might start having a little faith again, wish was something he lost after his injuries. “God, you taste so sweet. I couldn’t stop thinking about these lips last night even with everything going on around me.”