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Filling up the Virgin(109)

By:Amy Brent

“Nobody can compare to a hockey player.” Holly told him, smiling at him. “Why didn’t you coach instead of jump right in?”

“I thought about it after everything went down. When the team came up for sale, my dad and I talked about it and I figured I’d try. I know my stuff and I can guide these guys.” Aaron replied, taking another swig of water. He dared to look down her body at the dark purple shirt that was tight against her body and the shorts that showed off those legs as she moved from one foot to the other. “I can’t not be involved in the sport. It’s my life.”

“I knew that when you played. There was a magic to your skills.” Holly complimented him as he looked back into her face. “I was very sorry when you announced your retirement.”

“Thanks. That means a lot.” Aaron told her, reaching for his own towel. “Would you like to go get some lunch? Neither of us have to work until tomorrow before the game.”

“Is that against the rules or something?” Holly’s voice was a whisper as he glanced around the room to see some of the guys walking in.

“I can keep it to myself if you can.” He replied softly as he looked back up at her. “All done here for today?” His voice was louder now as she smiled at him and nodded. “Be safe out there.”

“I’ll meet you out front in a few.” Holly mouthed as she greeted the others with a warm smile. “How are you all feeling today? Nothing’s causing a problem right?”

The guys responded with various forms of hello and that they were feeling fine before she hoisted the bag over her shoulder and told everyone goodbye. Aaron chatted with them about the game next day and the early practice, telling them to play their best and listen to their coaches. The guys knew what they were doing. He stood about ten minutes later, pulling on a shirt before he told them goodbye and left the room.

Holly was waiting by the front doors downstairs dressed in a simple black dress with a thin jacket pulled over it. It was warm right now, unusually so in the city. She had her hair loose around her shoulders and she glanced at him with a shy smile. “Did they suspect anything?”

“They were too busy watching your ass on the way out.” He replied dryly as she shook her head.

“Let them. They’re a great bunch of guys but I’m not into anyone that way.” Holly assured him as they stepped out onto the crowded sidewalk. “What do you like? I’m vegetarian so that might complicate things a bit.”

“Not at all. How about we cab it to Blossom?” Aaron offered, trying to lean that way a bit himself.

“Let’s walk.” She challenged him and he grinned at her.

“It’s nice out. This has been a good Fall.”

“Lead the way.” Holly secured her bag on her arm and started down the sidewalk as she remained silent for a moment.

“Is this going to be a problem?” Her voice was hesitant as he looked at her.

“Lunch?” Aaron asked, needing her to tell her what she wanted.

“Maybe. You’re my boss, Aaron. I work for you. I know that I’m not supposed to date any of the players even though anyone in the industry knows that it happens. I assume that goes for the boss as well?” Holly questioned as he looked forward. “I don’t want to risk your job or mine but I was risking that going to the interview. I knew that I was attracted to you.”

“I knew that I was when you walked into the room. I want to kick all of their asses when they look at you the way they do.” His confession was low and rough as he watched her shiver, her nipples forming into hard points as the breeze blew the jacket open.

“So we’re doing this,” she said slowly, looking at him for a long moment.

“I want to if you do.” Aaron told her, watching her blush and nod. They kept walking, talking softly about their lives as the city faded around them. She didn’t talk about the attack, though he didn’t expect her to. Aaron just wanted to know what she was comfortable with as a result of it, since he wasn’t known to be gentle in bed. Aaron also kept his private life under the radar so he doubted she’d know anything about that, knowing that it wasn’t as wild as anyone had heard anyway. She was complex and smart, observing so much about life for someone as young as she was.

They reached the place and he opened the door for her as someone walking out called out his name. Aaron stepped outside to greet the crowd of two guys and two girls, taking a picture for them as he watched Holly wait inside with a smile on her face. He didn’t expect a lot of paparazzi around for himself, but he had a habit of being careful.