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Filling up the Virgin(108)

By:Amy Brent

Aaron went home afterward, watching the night’s game as he googled Holly on his laptop. She had indeed worked for the UFC and kept her fighter going for a long time and a few championships before choosing to move on. She was smart to gain that kind of experience while she was still in school and Aaron glanced over pictures of her at various events. She had a beautiful smile and her hair was silky and curly when she wore it down, though not so far at work. Holly seemed to be a natural girl, not wearing a lot of make up like some women did. She knew how to play herself up and he admired several pictures as his father’s words played through his mind.

There was a story about an assault after an event, one that Aaron read closely. Manny’s security had stopped it before it became a full-fledged rape but she’d been sent to the hospital with some injuries and the photo of her with a black eye and split lip filled him with rage. That was about the time she’d decided to leave the job, something he couldn’t blame her for with all of the publicity. She’d worked for a private firm until applying for this job, seemingly ready to be in the public eye again. Aaron had two sisters and hated the idea of anybody hurting them and the protective blood filled his veins as he forced himself to move past that picture and look at others where she was all dressed up and appeared happy and smiling.


There was no need to reason to go to the arena the following day aside from the fact Aaron wanted a good workout and it was the best gym in the area. He belonged to the one in his building as well but he’d always loved the team gym and he was hoping that some of the guys might be there. Better yet, he hoped that Holly was there even though she’d told him that her focus was on yoga. He could tell in the pictures too. Her legs were toned and body lean with the perfect curves, showing that she didn’t starve herself or be unhealthy about things.

Aaron cleared his mind of the thoughts as he entered into the lower level and took an elevator to the top, using his key to get into the building. There was usually someone here to prepare for one of the many events going on or just handling orders for them. He was already dressed for the gym and walked into the large room with his bag, glancing around the room as he decided what to do. It was fairly empty except for someone on the treadmill in the corner and he looked closer to see red curls bouncing as he grinned. She was here.

Aaron settled on weights to start, sliding in his ear buds as it seemed she had done the same. He set the high weight that he’d stuck to his whole life, since his arms were fine and he wouldn’t give up everything. He grabbed his cold water and rested back on the weight bench against his towel, shirtless in only a pair of workout shorts now. He’d noticed that Holly was wearing figure hugging tiny shorts and a fitted tank top as she walked, moving her head along to some beat. He tried to forget that she was there looking that good and started lifting smoothly as he let his breath in and out. It felt good to strain his muscles and he pushed himself today since he might just stick with weights and a little treadmill. He was just finishing when he looked up to see her looking down at him, her eyes bright and wide as she watched him set the bar back and reach for his water. “Morning.” Holly greeted him, reminding him of the news story as he tried to fight his attraction towards her. “Easy for you to get here too?”

“I walked. How about you?” Aaron replied easily, enjoying the way she skimmed over his body slowly.

“Yep. I have a place with a roommate close to here. I can actually afford it now that I have a decent job.” She smiled at him as she pressed the towel around her neck up to the sweat that was pooling in her hair. “Thank you for that.”

“You had all of the qualifications. Just try to keep the guys away from you.” Aaron warned her lightly as his eyes darkened.

“It takes one to know one, right?” She shot back in her own teasing tone, catching his gaze with a smile. “I encountered a lot of that in the other job, Aaron. I handled it and I’ll handle this. I might be younger, but these testosterone- minded players are not my thing.”

“What is your thing?” Aaron asked her, unable to stop himself as their gazes locked.

“I like older guys personally. Someone who can balance me.” Holly said, pressing her full lips together. “I was never into those quick casual things, since I like to actually talk as well.” She let her eyes rest on his abs for a long moment. “I used to have a crush on you in high school, you know. Posters and the whole thing. It was always kind of my goal to work for the NHL.”

“High school? I guess it went away and you met better guys?” Aaron asked her, sitting up to look at her with deepening eyes.