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Filling up the Virgin(107)

By:Amy Brent

“Hell yes. That guy can fight.” Walter called out, making some of the other guys laugh. He was the new center and showed a lot of potential with the right leadership, something that made Aaron’s stomach twist as he glanced at the floor. Walter was twenty-four and a great player, having good control over the team when he wasn’t the only one offering it. He felt eyes on him and glanced over to see Holly glancing at him with curious green eyes as he met her gaze.

“Good, good. She’ll be working closely with the medical staff here and make sure to keep you guys healthy. We don’t need to have any players out on injury.” Pat’s eyes scanned over the team as he glanced at Holly, Tanner and Aaron.

“I’d like a chance to speak with all of you about any problem areas I need to know about. I’ll be in my room all day, so feel free to stop in if you can.” Holly told them, and Aaron saw the look in their eyes as they nodded and looked her over. She didn’t back down a bit, meeting their eyes as she kept her tone serious while shooting them down. They seemed to understand, exchanging glances as Aaron shook his head and they were told to take to the ice. He watched enviously, moving to the glass as he felt someone step up beside him. “You miss it, don’t you?”

Aaron nodded as he looked over at Holly, who was watching them as well. She stood straight with her perfect breasts curving underneath the jacket that she wore over a perfect waist only graced by the pants. He suspected she had a good bra on, since it was smooth in this cold temperature. “You know me.”

“I did some research after the interview. You’re a young owner, Mr. Neller.” Holly replied, just a few feet shorter than his height of six feet two inches. “I was curious.”

“You have me there. The chance came up and I took it.” He glanced at her, shivering a bit as he smiled. “Call me Aaron.”

“Really?” Holly asked him, giving him a disbelieving glance. “Okay then.”

“We’re a family here. I don’t want it uncomfortable or even formal. This is a tough game and I don’t like to sugarcoat things.” Aaron told her, seeing her nod. “I want everyone involved and I want you to feel like you can come to me with anything, Holly. I am going to be a very involved owner.”

“I can see that.” She replied, meeting his eyes again. “I like that in a boss.”

“I prefer colleague.” Aaron corrected her, holding her eyes longer. This wasn’t some restaurant where he’d be asking her to clean. Aaron was putting her in charge of a big part of his team’s life.

The team started taking shots on the empty goal before the new-to-the-league goalie stepped in to stop them. The media that was allowed in took the seats and spaces for filming, excited about the new Rangers. Holly sat down as Aaron’s interviews started, something he’d dressed for in slacks and jacket with the shirt and tie underneath. He sold the new coaches and staff, assuring the reporters of a very good year with the charismatic smile that had gotten him through several player interviews during those days.

Aaron smiled when his parents stepped inside to see the action, taking a seat with them as he looked over the tough practice that he’d known Pat would give them. Everyone kept it clean for the cameras and guests, having fun with each other as they honed their skills. He noticed Holly leaving towards the end, feeling her eyes on him a few times during the practice as he watched her leave.

That ass. Oh…that looked sooo…tempting.

He wanted her on his desk upstairs, spread out and waiting for his hardening cock. She turned her head once to look at him, her skin flushed pink before she turned forward again. Aaron looked back at the ice, feeling his father look at him. “The league doesn’t need a scandal, son. You’re an owner now.”

“Just looking, Dad.” Aaron responded, locking his gaze on the center as he skated the puck around several players and scored a goal. “She’ll have her hands full with these guys.”

“She’ll handle them just fine. That girl has spunk but it’s not meant for you.”

“She’s lovely though, Glen.” His mother gushed, her cheeks pink with the cold and excitement as she snuggled against her husband. They’d been in love since they first met and she was always ready for her son to meet a nice girl, since his sisters were married with two kids each now.

“Simmer down over there, Mom.” Aaron teased her, keeping his tone light as he agreed silently with her. He took them to his office after practice was over, offering a generous view of the ice and the best technology that money could buy. That had been just a slight upgrade on Aaron’s part, since the old owner was set up with televisions and a large monitor when he left. Aaron also had the owner seat high in the crowd if he chose to sit there, as well as some of the best box seats that he knew the family would love. He talked with them as he imagined the guys coming in to see her, using all of their charm to try to get into her pants like he wanted. Aaron had been that player once and had quite the tryst with one of the therapists back in his day. The thought it her doing it made his stomach twist and he offered to take his folks to lunch to distract him from it.